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资源说明:Dotfiles and scripts
My dotfiles and scripts

These configurations and scripts are ultimately optimized for Zsh on
Archlinux and support combinations of Bash or Zsh with Archlinux and
Debian (or its derivatives: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.).

Installing dotfiles repository

This dotfiles should be installed in a subdirectory of $HOME called
``dotfiles``. The install script is then used to create the correct
symlinks pointing to the dotfiles and shell scripts.

Clone the git repository in ``~/dotfiles``:

.. code-block:: shell

   cd ~
   git clone git://

Default install - preserving existing configuration

Change to the created directory and run from that directory:

.. code-block:: shell

   cd ~/dotfiles
   ./             # shows help information
   ./ --confirm   # install files

By default, the install script will not create symlinks for any
files/directories that already exist.

Complete install

If you don't care about any existing dotfiles and scripts (e.g.: ~/bin/,
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc) you can install everything. This makes sure
there are no clashes with existing configurations and is recommended.
Optionally create a (temporary) new user account to check it out and
test it. The following command **will** remove existing dotfiles:

.. code-block:: shell

   cd ~/dotfiles
   ./ --force


Small programs and utility scripts

`afkfish `_
 AFK fishing clicker script for Minecraft using xdotool.
`afkmine `_
 AFK mining clicker script for Minecraft using xdotool.
` `_
 Statusbar script for spectrwm (my favorite WM).
`ctb `_
 Create temporary backup (create timestamped tar/gz archives of files/directories.
`duh `_
 A fancy alias for ``du -h | sort -h`` that tees output before showing a sorted version at the end, paged with less.
`git-set-remote `_
 Configure a single git remote with multiple --push urls and a read-only fetch url.
`htmlcount `_
 Count html elements in a html files or stdin.
`loadavg `_
 Show loadavg as a percentage of cores available.
`loop `_
 Run a command every second.
`make-php-ctags `_
 Create ctags for a PHP project.
`metainfo `_
 Show information like mimetype and SHA1/MD5 checksums of a file.
`php-lintr `_
 search recursively for scripts and only show output when there are errors.
`random-wallpaper `_
 Select a random wallpaper from ~/Pictures/wallpapers and set it using feh.
`runserver `_
 Run a http.server, Django or Werkzeug development server depending on project context.
`screen-off `_
 Blank the screen using xset.
` `_
 Save a screenshot of a window or full screen in a timestamped file using scrot.
`slowcate `_
 Wrapper for ``sudo find / | grep "searchtext"``
`touchpad-toggle `_
 Toggle touchpad depending on current status using synclient.
`updateand `_
 Update system and reboot or halt computer after a countdown if there are no errors.
`urxvt-modeline `_
 Modeline script for rxvt-unicode terminal.
`wmtoggle `_
 Switch between using spectrwm or openbox when startx is executed.
`wschemaspy `_
 Wrapper for wschemaspy MySQL db graphviz dumps
`xs `_
 Alias for ``$@ > /dev/null 2>&1 &`` to start programs in X from the terminal.
`youtube-dl-clipboard `_
 Send URL in clipboard to youtube-dl (using xclip).
