资源说明:Dotfiles and scripts
My dotfiles and scripts ======================= These configurations and scripts are ultimately optimized for Zsh on Archlinux and support combinations of Bash or Zsh with Archlinux and Debian (or its derivatives: Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.). Installing dotfiles repository ------------------------------ This dotfiles should be installed in a subdirectory of $HOME called ``dotfiles``. The install script is then used to create the correct symlinks pointing to the dotfiles and shell scripts. Clone the git repository in ``~/dotfiles``: .. code-block:: shell cd ~ git clone git://github.com/babab/dotfiles.git Default install - preserving existing configuration ################################################### Change to the created directory and run install.sh from that directory: .. code-block:: shell cd ~/dotfiles ./install.sh # shows help information ./install.sh --confirm # install files By default, the install script will not create symlinks for any files/directories that already exist. Complete install ################ If you don't care about any existing dotfiles and scripts (e.g.: ~/bin/, ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc) you can install everything. This makes sure there are no clashes with existing configurations and is recommended. Optionally create a (temporary) new user account to check it out and test it. The following command **will** remove existing dotfiles: .. code-block:: shell cd ~/dotfiles ./install.sh --force Contents -------- Small programs and utility scripts ################################## `afkfish`_ AFK fishing clicker script for Minecraft using xdotool. `afkmine `_ AFK mining clicker script for Minecraft using xdotool. `baraction.sh `_ Statusbar script for spectrwm (my favorite WM). `ctb `_ Create temporary backup (create timestamped tar/gz archives of files/directories. `duh `_ A fancy alias for ``du -h | sort -h`` that tees output before showing a sorted version at the end, paged with less. `git-set-remote `_ Configure a single git remote with multiple --push urls and a read-only fetch url. `htmlcount `_ Count html elements in a html files or stdin. `loadavg `_ Show loadavg as a percentage of cores available. `loop `_ Run a command every second. `make-php-ctags `_ Create ctags for a PHP project. `metainfo `_ Show information like mimetype and SHA1/MD5 checksums of a file. `php-lintr `_ search recursively for scripts and only show output when there are errors. `random-wallpaper `_ Select a random wallpaper from ~/Pictures/wallpapers and set it using feh. `runserver `_ Run a http.server, Django or Werkzeug development server depending on project context. `screen-off `_ Blank the screen using xset. `screenshot.sh `_ Save a screenshot of a window or full screen in a timestamped file using scrot. `slowcate `_ Wrapper for ``sudo find / | grep "searchtext"`` `touchpad-toggle `_ Toggle touchpad depending on current status using synclient. `updateand `_ Update system and reboot or halt computer after a countdown if there are no errors. `urxvt-modeline `_ Modeline script for rxvt-unicode terminal. `wmtoggle `_ Switch between using spectrwm or openbox when startx is executed. `wschemaspy `_ Wrapper for wschemaspy MySQL db graphviz dumps `xs `_ Alias for ``$@ > /dev/null 2>&1 &`` to start programs in X from the terminal. `youtube-dl-clipboard `_ Send URL in clipboard to youtube-dl (using xclip).