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资源说明:Builds a standalone t38modem v2.0 to /opt/t38modem including depending ptlib/OPAL version.
Disclaimer: Since Debian Jessie upstream version of t38moden is working fine, you should not use this project anymore. Anyway, of course you can adapt using the init-Scripts for t38modem distributed here, however, it's not converted to systemd yet. 

T38 Modem 2.0 Linux Build Package

This Builds a t38modem v2.0 with ptlib/OPAL depency using the correct version ofptlib and OPAL, tested on Debian Squeeze.

Additionaly it creats an init-Script as described on


You just need a build system using the following packages (Debian/Ubuntu)

apt-get install g++ flex bison libexpat1-dev giflib-tools pkg-config

Then just run

sh build.sh

The standalone version of t38modem will be put to /opt/t38modem and can be invoked by setting the correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/t38modem/lib/ /opt/t38modem/bin/t38modem 

Alternativly you can add /opt/t38modem/lib to /etc/ld.conf.d, build.sh asks to do so.

You can invoke t38modem by using the provided init script. Put configuration details in /etc/default/t38modem fitting your needs or feel free to edit the init script.

To activate an FaxModem in HylaFax, put modem config file from t38modem/HylaFAX to /etc/hylafax/config.ttyT38- for as much devices you created.

To get t38modem started using the init-Script, it is necessary to create /var/run/t38modem because init script wants to put pid files there.

August 2013:

Added support for G.711 Fax Passthrough, using spandsp_fax_pwplugin and spandsp-0.0.6 lib (both added to package) as described here


If your sip gateway doesn't support T.38 in combination with t38moden (f.i. Cisco gateways), add --sip-disable-t38-mode to command line in init script.

Sure, you can still use T.38 mode and add additional G.711 support by using spandsp_fax_pwplugin. If you don't add --sip-disable-t38-mode, G.711 mode will be established. If T.38 mode can be esatblished, session will be switched over to T.38. If this won't work, established G.711 transport is used as an fallback option for fax transport.
