文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Scripts for Axway Synchrony Gateway
Collection of bash scripts created while migrating 
[Axway]( [Gateway]( 6.11 
to Gateway 6.13 (or 6.14) + [SecureRelay](

## expimp_objects: Export / import of Gateway objects

``` bash
# Export all objects (pel, sec & vfd)
$ expimp_objects
# Export only pel objects
$ expimp_objects pel
# Export security & VFD objects (vfd exports are made by creating the vfdadm create commands for the directories, NOT by vfdbase)
$ expimp_objects sec vfd

## install_auto: Install automatically the gateway

### Pre requisites

Make an install (or use an existing one) to get the following configuration files:
- pelsetup.def
- pelsetup.ini
- silentFiles/Synchrony.*

Update the environments variables (site alias name, IP addresses, ports, etc)

``` bash
# Install the gateway, install the patch(s), setup configuration (protocols, etc)
$ ./install_auto

## migration_exports: Export all objects into a tar file

``` bash
$ ./migration_exports

## migration_import: Import all object from a tar file

``` bash
$ ./migration_import

## switch_gateway: Switch from the old gateway to the new one

``` bash
$ ./switch_gateway

Stop the gateways
Move the folders as required
Update the ports
Start the gateways
