资源说明:pseudo-random sequence of numbers given by the following formula:
Ui +1 = (M * Ui) mod p,
Ri = Ui / p,
where M, Ri and p are integers, 0 <Ri <1 and 1 <Ui <p-1. Investigate the influence of the values of R0 on the quality of the sensor and the length l L and the pseudo-random sequence. Present the results of testing the sensor for several R0, performing the following tests:
1) measuring the length of the periodicity and aperiodicity probe pseudo-random sequence of numbers
2) tests for uniformity of distribution of random numbers (tests K-uniformity)
3) calculation of coefficients of non-uniformity
4) tests on a digital dimension
5) determination of the correlation properties of pseudo-random sequence of numbers.
6) Test the solution of known types of problems (the definition of π).
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