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资源说明:A short study on where the most popular US-based websites locate the searchbar in their view.
According to surveys, pundits, opinions and convention it should go in there somewhere at the top of a web view. Mobile apps also follow this pattern. I don't really have any other argument other than it's where everyone puts it and it's where users expect it to be. Good enough for me.

Let's see who in the Alexa [Top Sites in United States]( is following convention. I surveyed the top twenty-five websites and yielded the following results:

### Alexa 1 - 25

#### Top of the View Location: 72%
* top-left: 12% (3, 7, 16)
* top-left-center: 16% (1, 2, 5, 15)
* top-center: 16% (4, 13, 20, 25)
* top-right: 28% (6, 8, 10, 18, 21, 22, 23)

#### Nestled Among Content: 16%
* left-column: 8% (9, 24)
* center-column: 4% (14)
* right-column: 4% (17)

#### Nowhere: 12%
* didn't have one: 12% (11, 12, 19)

## Hint: It belongs at the top, preferably on the right side

I went a little further and scoped out the searchbar location for the [26-50 Top Sites in United States](;1/US), mostly pr0n and Godaddy customers so I'll save you from the screencaps, and I learned a little more:

### Alexa 26 - 50

#### Top of the View Location: 64%
* top-left: 8% (34, 44)
* top-left-center: 8% (32, 41)
* top-center: 16% (35, 36, 40, 42)
* top-right: 32% (26, 27, 28, 33, 37, 38, 39, 50)

#### Nestled Among Content: 8%
* left-column: 0%
* center-column: 4% (45)
* right-column: 4%  (29)

#### Nowhere: 28%
none: 28% (30, 31, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49)

Godaddy has two search bars. Please use [DNSimple](

So to recap the Top 50 in toto, 68% had the searchbar located at the top of the view, 20% didn't have one or did not apply and only 12% had the searchbar nestled among the content somewhere.


1. Google
* Type: Search Engine
* Location: top-left-center
* Visibility: prominent; very much bread and butter

2. Facebook
* Type: Social Media Behemoth
* Location: top-left-center
* Visibility: cluttered; enhanced with dark-blue background

3. YouTube
* Type: Low-brow Video Sharing
* Location: top-left
* Visibility: first among equals 

4. Yahoo!
* Type: Adrift Media Conglomerate
* Location: top-center
* Visibility: cluttered but visible due to color-contrasting techniques

5. Amazon
* Type: King of Online Retail
* Location: top-left-center
* Visibility: suffering from fog of war

6. Wikipedia
* Type: Killer of Encyclopedia Salesmen, Plagiarism Resource
* Location: top-right
* Visibility: fairly good when you can ignore Jimmy's face

7. eBay
* Type: Retail Directory
* Location: top-left
* Visibility: confused and married to filter functionality

8. Twitter
* Type: Thought Release Aggregator
* Location: top-right
* Visibility: prominent

9. Craigslist
* Type: Directory of Everything
* Location: left-column
* Visibility: hidden, alone, neglected; doesn't compete with core-competent directory

10. LinkedIn
* Type: Annoying Recruiter Network 
* Location: top-right
* Visibility: cluttered and paired with filtering device

11. Blogger
* Type: Something about Blogs 
* Location: unknown
* Visibility: none

12. Windows Live
* Type: No idea because I'm not signing up 
* Location: n/a
* Visibility: looks like a SharePoint POS, probably is

13. MSN
* Type: Yahoo! Without the Drama 
* Location: top-center
* Visibility: very good

14. Go
* Type: I have no idea 
* Location: centered on page
* Visibility: prominent

15. Bing
* Type: Redmond's Answer to Google 
* Location: top-center-left
* Visibility: prominent	

16. Pinterest
* Type: Awesome Photo Discovery Service 
* Location: top-left
* Visibility: high

17. Tumblr
* Type: Highbrow Time Wasting for Hipsters 
* Location: top-right-column
* Visibility: low

18. PayPal
* Type: Awful Payment "Facilitator" 
* Location: top-right
* Visibility: okay

* Type: Twitter uses the domain as part of a service to protect users from harmful activity, to provide value for the developer ecosystem, and as a quality signal for surfacing relevant, interesting Tweets. LOL.  
* Location: unknown
* Visibility: none

20. AOL
* Type: Oldskool Media 
* Location: top-center
* Visibility: high

21. ESPN
* Type: Worldwide Corporate Sports Propaganda Leader 
* Location: top-right
* Visibility: very much so

22. CNN Interactive
* Type: Online News Service 
* Location: top-right
* Visibility: can't miss

23. Wordpress
* Type: Blogging Platform 
* Location: top-right
* Visibility: hidden; activated via icon click

24. Netflix
* Type: Aging DVD Rental House 
* Location: left
* Visibility: horrible, but they've never been good at it

25. The Huffington Post
* Type: Seriously Shocking Headlines 
* Location: top-center
* Visibility: low, cannot compete with the noise
