# A Guide to Active Record Associations ## 1. Why Associations? Modeller, class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name has_many :orders, :dependent => :destroy end class Order < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :order_date belongs_to :customer end Test, Customer.create(:name => 'Kuruyemişçi Mahmut') Customer.first.orders.create(:order_date => Time.now) Customer.first.orders Customer.first.destroy ## 2. The Types of Associations - belongs_to - has_one - has_many - has_many :through - has_one :through - has_and_belongs_to_many ![has many through](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/images/has_many_through.png) Modeller, class Physician < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name has_many :appointments has_many :patients, :through => :appointments end class Patient < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name has_many :appointments has_many :physicians, :through => :appointments end class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :appointment_date, :physician_id, :patient_id belongs_to :physician belongs_to :patient end Test, Physician.create(:name => 'Dr.Aysın') Patient.create(:name => 'Hacer') Patient.first.appointments.create(:physician_id => Physician.first.id, :appointment_date => Time.now) Patient.first.appointments Patient.first.appointments.first.physician Ayrıca, ![has one through](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/images/has_one_through.png) ![has and belongs to many](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/images/habtm.png) `create_table :assemblies_parts, :id => false do |t|` id:false model üretilmesini engelliyor. ## 2.9 Polymorphic Associations ![polymorphic](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/images/polymorphic.png) Modeller, class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :imageable_id, :imageable_type, :name belongs_to :imageable, :polymorphic => true end class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name has_many :pictures, :as => :imageable end class Product < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name has_many :pictures, :as => :imageable end Test, Employee.create(:name => 'Mennan') Employee.first.pictures Employee.first.pictures.create(:name => 'men.jpg', :imageable_type => 'r') Employee.first.pictures.create(:name => 'nan.jpg', :imageable_type => 'r') Employee.first.pictures Product.first.pictures ## 3.5 Bi-directional Associations ![resim](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/images/has_many.png) (ESKI) Modeller, class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name has_many :orders, :dependent => :destroy end class Order < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :order_date belongs_to :customer end Test, Customer.create(:name => 'Kuruyemişçi Mahmut') Customer.last.orders.create(:order_date => Time.now) c = Customer.last o = c.orders.last c.name == o.customer.name # => true c.name = 'simitci' c.name == o.customer.name # => false olan nedir? Verinin iki ayrı kopyası tutulmakta ve bir taraf diğerinden habersiz durumdadır. Çözümü ise "bi-directional associations" (YENİ) Modeller, class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :name has_many :orders, :dependent => :destroy, :inverse_of => :customer end class Order < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :order_date belongs_to :customer, :inverse_of => :orders end Test, Customer.create(:name => 'Kuruyemişçi Mahmut') Customer.last.orders.create(:order_date => Time.now) c = Customer.last o = c.orders.last c.name == o.customer.name # => true c.name = 'simitci' c.name == o.customer.name # => true kısıtlamaları vardır. # 4 Detailed Association Reference Bazı trikler, > c = Customer.create(:name => 'Simitci') > o = c.orders.create(:order_date => Time.now) > o.customer > c.orders > o.customer = Customer.create(:name => 'manav') > o.customer.name 'manav' > o.build_customer(:name => 'market') # new > o.create_customer(:name => 'market') # create > o.customer.name 'market' #### :include Modeller, class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :order end class Order < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :customer has_many :line_items end class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :orders end Test, c = Customer.create(:name => 'yesil') o = c.orders.create(:order_date => Time.now) li = o.line_items.create(:name => 'foo') o.line_items li.order_id eğer, `li` üzerinden `order` a ve onun üzerinden de `customer` a ulaşmak istersen, class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :order, :include => :customer end demen yeterli. Bu durumda, li.order li.order.customer iş görür. ### 4.1.3 Do Any Associated Objects Exist? Test, if o.customer.nil? @msg = "No customer found for this order" end ## 4.3 hasmany Association Reference Customer i belirtmeksizin, yeni bir Order oluşturmak/sonuna eklemek, > c.orders << Order.create(:order_date => Time.now) Son Order i silmek istersek, > c.orders.delete(Order.last) Order id lerini görmek istersen, > c.order_ids [14, 42] Ekleme silme yapabilirsin, > c.order_ids = [14, 23] böylelikle arkada 42 id li Order silinirken, var olan 23 nolu id bu müşterinin Order u olur. Bu işlem öncesinde, > Order.find(23).customer.name 'foo' iken işlem sonrasında, > Order.find(23).customer.name 'bar' olacaktır ki `bar`, `c` değişkeninde tutulan müşterinin adıdır (`# c.name => 'bar'`). Ararken, > @orders = c.orders.where(["order_date < ? ", 2.minutes.ago]) böyle hazırlanır ya böyle > @orders[0] ya da böyle, > @orders.first şeklinde veritabanından sorgulanır.