资源说明:c# create VPN connection
VPN- ==== this is code for create vpn connection using c# . just asking you IPAddress or phone number and password Just using dotRas api, u can download ditras api then referenced dll in your project. this code is worked for windows xp,windows 7 ,windows 8,as well as server environment. public const string ConnectionName = "Test" private RasHandle handle = null; RasEntry entry; public bool IsExistCon = false; private void BtnDial_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (RasConnection rasCon in RasConnection.GetActiveConnections()) { if (rasCon.EntryName == ConnectionName) { IsExistCon = true; } } if (IsExistCon == true) { BtnDial.Enabled = false; BtnHangUp.Enabled = true; StatusTextBox.AppendText("VPN Connection already running"); } else { //string Rpath= System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath+"\\Resources\\rasphone.pbk"; //string ppath = Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName+"\\Pbk\\"; string targetPath1 = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)) + "\\Microsoft\\Network\\Connections\\Pbk"; string targetPath = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)) + "\\Microsoft\\Network\\Connections\\Pbk"; bool checkUser = false; if (targetPath.Contains("Roaming")) { rasUsersPhoneBook.Open(targetPath + "\\rasphone.pbk"); checkUser = true; } else { rasUsersPhoneBook.Open(); } DateTime srt = DateTime.Now; string VPName = ConnectionName; entry = RasEntry.CreateVpnEntry(VPName, txtIPaddress.Text, RasVpnStrategy.Default, RasDevice.GetDeviceByName("(PPTP)", RasDeviceType.Vpn)); entry.Options.RemoteDefaultGateway = false; entry.Options.Internet = true; if (!this.rasUsersPhoneBook.Entries.Contains(entry.Name)) { this.rasUsersPhoneBook.Entries.Add(entry); } this.StatusTextBox.Clear(); this.Dialer.EntryName = ConnectionName; if (checkUser == true) { this.Dialer.PhoneBookPath = targetPath + "\\rasphone.pbk"; } else { this.Dialer.PhoneBookPath = RasPhoneBook.GetPhoneBookPath(RasPhoneBookType.AllUsers); } try { // Set the credentials the dialer should use. this.Dialer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtLoginID.Text, txtPassword.Text); // NOTE: The entry MUST be in the phone book before the connection can be dialed. // Begin dialing the connection; this will raise events from the dialer instance. this.handle = this.Dialer.DialAsync(); //log.Info("Successfully Connected"); // Enable the disconnect button for use later. this.BtnHangUp.Enabled = true; this.BtnDial.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { this.StatusTextBox.AppendText(ex.ToString()); } DateTime endtime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan avg = endtime - srt; lbname.Text = "Connected Time"; lbConTime.Text = avg.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + "ms"; } } private void Dialer_StateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs e) { this.StatusTextBox.AppendText(e.State.ToString() + "\r\n"); } private void Dialer_DialCompleted(object sender, DialCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Cancelled) { this.StatusTextBox.AppendText("Cancelled!"); } else if (e.TimedOut) { this.StatusTextBox.AppendText("Connection attempt timed out!"); } else if (e.Error != null) { this.StatusTextBox.AppendText(e.Error.ToString()); } else if (e.Connected) { this.StatusTextBox.AppendText("Connection successful!"); } if (!e.Connected) { // The connection was not connected, disable the disconnect button. this.BtnHangUp.Enabled = false; this.StatusTextBox.AppendText("Connection successful Disconnected!"); } } private void BtnHangUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Disconnect(); } public void Disconnect() { DateTime srt = DateTime.Now; if (this.Dialer.IsBusy) { // The connection attempt has not been completed, cancel the attempt. this.Dialer.DialAsyncCancel(); } else { // The connection attempt has completed, attempt to find the connection in the active connections. RasConnection connection = RasConnection.GetActiveConnectionByHandle(this.handle); //foreach (RasConnection connection in RasConnection.GetActiveConnections()) //{ if (connection != null) { // The connection has been found, disconnect it. if (connection.EntryName == ConnectionName) { connection.HangUp(); this.rasUsersPhoneBook.Entries.Remove(connection.EntryName); rasUsersPhoneBook.Dispose(); } } //} } this.StatusTextBox.Clear(); this.StatusTextBox.AppendText("Connection successful Disconnected!"); this.BtnHangUp.Enabled = false; this.BtnDial.Enabled = true; DateTime endtime = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan avg = endtime - srt; lbname.Text = "Disconnected Time"; lbConTime.Text = avg.TotalMilliseconds.ToString()+"ms"; } private void MainVPNWin_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { Disconnect(); }