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资源说明:Team Nifty Studios 2012 entry to the Toronto based, 3-day game jam T.O.Jam entitled "Frank!"

Team Nifty Studios 2012 entry to the Toronto based, 3-day game jam T.O.Jam
entitled "Frank!"

Game Objective

To connect the 'Start' point to the 'End' point to 'juice up' Frank, the robot.


While you have an unlimited amount of 'wires' you have to work with a limited
amount of 'amps.'

The current can only go so far before diminishing. From the beginning the
current can travel three (3) wires, after that you have to use 'amps' to
continue the current flow. Depending on the level you will have a differing
number of one (1), two (2), or three (3) power level 'amps.' These amps can push
the current the number of wires it's power level is.

On the playing board surface there are obstacles that you must work around in
order to connect the two terminals. You cannot place any piece on these

After you throw the 'power switch' the current will start to flow. When the flow
hits an 'amp' you have to hit the switch again when the gauge needle on the
right hand side of the console is in the green zone.


### Selection Area:

  * Left/Right (KB & D-Pad) A/D keys

      * Switches between the 'wires' and 'amps' selections, as well as the
        'power switch'

  * Up/Down (KB & D-Pad) W/S keys

      * Scrolls through the 'wire' and 'amps' selections when selected

  * Space bar/Return/"A" button

      * With the 'wires' and 'amps' will place the selected piece on the playing

      * With the 'power switch' will start the 'flow of electricity' (or start
        the board in play)

### Board:

  * Up/Down/Left/Right (KB & D-Pad) WASD

      * Moves the piece around the board

  * Space bar/Return/"A" button

      * Will place the piece or, if on top an already placed piece, will remove
        that piece

  * X key/"B" button

      * Will return to the selection area

### Anywhere:

  * Escape key/"Start" button

      * Opens the menu

### Menu:

  * Escape key/"Start" button

      * Will exit the menu

  * Up/Down (KB & D-Pad) W/S

      * Will cycle through the menu items

  * Space bar/Return key/"A" button

      * Will execute the selected menu items function

0.10 Release:

Our progress at 8pm May 13th, 2012 for T.O.Jam the Sevening (7)

With the following changes: ( mostly so you could play too! ;-) )

  * Game plays even without getting hung up on exceptions when the robot is not
    connected to the computer

  * On the xbox controller 'Start' will bring up the menu instead of 'Back'

  * On the keyboard the return key will 'select' in addition to the spacebar and
    'A' on the controller

### BUGS

  * The controls, they suck, we know.

  * Only one of the red 'lights' on the left side of the console light up when
    you beat a level (the first to be exact)

  * The 'dinging' sound is too damn loud when you get the needle for the 'amp'
    in the green

  * The virtual 'robot' (a.k.a. Frank) doesn't animate when the first level is
    won (connection to the light maybe??)

  * You don't know if you are out of an 'amp' until you place it on the board

  * It is difficult to tell if/when you have popped a piece off the board

  * There is only ever one kind of obstacle

  * The depiction of current flow on the wire pieces sometimes go the wrong

  * etc. etc.
