资源说明:Unofficial mirror repository; no pull requests, please.
=== Auto ThickBox Plus === Contributors: attosoft Donate link: http://attosoft.info/en/donate/ Tags: lightbox, thickbox, gallery, image, images, thumbnail, thumbnails, popup, pop-up, overlay, photo, photos, picture, pictures, javascript, inline, iframe, ajax, jquery, plugin, plugins, link, links, widget, widgets, nextgen, nextgen gallery, mobile, iphone, android Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 3.4.2 Stable tag: trunk Automatically applies ThickBox script that overlays linked image, inline, iFramed and AJAX content on the page in simple effect. == Description == Auto ThickBox Plus is WordPress plugin that applies [ThickBox script](http://thickbox.net/) to your site automatically. ThickBox is commonly-used Lightbox-like plugin, and can overlay linked image, inline, iFramed and AJAX content on the page in simple effect. All you have to do is write links like below, and the linked contents will be overlaid by clicking themselves.Image Content Inline Content iFramed Content AJAX Content = Auto ThickBox Plus Features = * Automatically applies [ThickBox script](http://thickbox.net/) to your site * All you have to do is write links. No JavaScript, No Shortcode, No Gallery. * Plugin behavior and ThickBox design can be customized via [Settings screen](screenshots/) * Support for WordPress Gallery and gallery plugins such as [NextGEN Gallery](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/) * Compatible widely down to even obsolete WordPress 2.7 * Compatible with cache plugins such as [W3 Total Cache](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/w3-total-cache/) * ThickBox window is localized to more than 70 languages by default = Modified ThickBox Features = * Overlays linked image, inline, iFramed and AJAX content on the page * Simpler pop-up effect than other Lightbox-like plugins such as FancyBox, ColorBox, Slimbox, Shadowbox and Lightbox. It's recommended if you prefer no animation effects & no fancy design. * Automatically resizes ThickBox window when showing it, and even when resizing browser window * Support for more actions by mouse click, wheel scroll, drag & drop, and keyboard shortcuts * Many ThickBox options are available, such as auto resize, title/caption position and animation effects * Supports Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and their older versions * Mobile beta support for small-screen devices such as iPhone and Android = How to Install = See [Installation](installation/). = How to Use = See [Usage](other_notes/#Usage). = Support Me = * To keep my motivation, put rating stars and vote compatibility (works/broken) via the right sidebar * If you have any questions, view [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/auto-thickbox-plus) or post a new topic * See [Localization](other_notes/#Localization) if you can translate the plugin into your language * I would be grateful if you would [donate to support plugin development](http://attosoft.info/en/donate/) * [Contact me](http://attosoft.info/en/contact/) if you have any feedback Any comments will be very helpful and appreciated. Thank you for your support! = Special Thanks = * Dutch (nl_NL) translation by [Michel Bats](http://www.batssoft.nl/) * French (fr_FR) translation by [Jean-Bastien Prévots](http://www.jbprevots.fr/) * Italian (it_IT) translation by [Gianni Diurno](http://gidibao.net/) * Persian/Farsi (fa_IR) translation by [Ali Mohammadi](http://www.NewModel.ir/) * Spanish (es_ES) translation by [Juan Antonio Peón](http://www.aprendeausartumovil.com/) * Swedish (sv_SE) translation by [Lukas Häusler](http://lukashausler.com/) * Button images in screenshot by [Lukas Häusler](http://lukashausler.com/) * Bug fixed code by Olivier Burgard = Links = * [attosoft.info](http://attosoft.info/en/) * [Auto ThickBox Plus](http://attosoft.info/en/blog/auto-thickbox-plus/) * [Auto Thickbox](http://www.semiologic.com/software/auto-thickbox/) ([WordPress.org](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/auto-thickbox/)) * [ThickBox 3.1](http://thickbox.net/) == Installation == = Auto Install = 1. Access Dashboard screen in WordPress 1. Select [Plugins] - [Add New] 1. Input "thickbox" into text field, and click [Search Plugins] 1. Click 'Install Now' at 'Auto ThickBox Plus' 1. Click 'Activate Plugin' 1. Upload images to WordPress Gallery or write links to images, inline, iFramed or AJAX contents = Manual Install = 1. Download [auto-thickbox-plus.zip](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/auto-thickbox-plus.zip) 1. Access Dashboard screen in WordPress 1. Select [Plugins] - [Add New] - 'Upload' tab 1. Upload the plugin zip file, and click [Install Now] 1. Click 'Activate Plugin' 1. Upload images to WordPress Gallery or write links to images, inline, iFramed or AJAX contents = Manual Install via FTP = 1. Download [auto-thickbox-plus.zip](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/auto-thickbox-plus.zip), and unzip it 1. Upload the plugin folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Upload images to WordPress Gallery or write links to images, inline, iFramed or AJAX contents \* Note: If Auto Thickbox has already installed, deactivate or uninstall it before activating Auto ThickBox Plus. You cannot activate both plugins together. = Customization = Here is all available options at [Auto ThickBox Plus Settings screen](../screenshots/). You can customize plugin behavior and ThickBox design through the following options. * General * Display Style * Auto ThickBox * No ThickBox * Auto Resize * ThickBox Resources * Mobile Support (beta) * Action * Mouse Click * Mouse Wheel * Drag & Drop * Keyboard Shortcuts * View * Position * Size * Font Family & Weight * Font Size * Text Color * Background Color * Margin * Border * Border Radius * Opacity * Box Shadow * Text Shadow * Text * Title, Caption * Image * Prev/Next, First/Last, Close and Loading image * Effect (beta) * Open, Close, Transition, Title/Caption effects and Speed == Frequently Asked Questions == = Auto ThickBox Plus does not work = First, check if any messages are output in error console. * **Internet Explorer**: Double-click the warning icon in status bar, or click [Tools] menu - [Developer Tools], or press [F12] key * **Mozilla Firefox**: Click [Firefox/Tools] menu - [Web Developer] - [Error Console], or press [Ctrl+Shift+J] key * **Google Chrome**: Click [Tools] menu - [JavaScript console], or press [Ctrl+Shift+J] key * **Opera**: Click [Opera] menu - [Page] - [Developer Tools] - [Error Console], or press [Ctrl+Shift+O] key * **Safari (Mac)**: Click [Develop] menu - [Show Error Console], or press [Option-Command-C] key * **Safari (Windows)**: Click Page Menu Button - [Developer] - [Show Error Console], or press [Ctrl+Alt+C] key * Note: To enable the developer tools, click Advanced in Safari preferences and check [Show Develop menu in menu bar] Next, check the followings. 1. Modified ThickBox in the plugin is loaded properly 2. Built-in ThickBox in WordPress conflicts with modified ThickBox 3. "thickbox" class is added to links Then, perform the troubleshooting below. * Deactivate current theme because some themes output invalid header/footer, or load built-in ThickBox directly * Deactivate plugins that load built-in ThickBox directly, such as [Events Calendar](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/events-calendar/) * Deactivate plugins that optimizes JS/CSS files, such as [W3 Total Cache](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/w3-total-cache/), [WP Minify](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-minify/), [CloudFlare](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cloudflare/), [Head Cleaner](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/head-cleaner/) and [Head JS](http://headjs.com/) * Output JS/CSS files to footer, by selecting [General - ThickBox Resources - Footer] option in Settings screen * Use built-in ThickBox in WordPress instead, by selecting [General - ThickBox Resources - Built-in ThickBox] option in Settings screen If the problem still persists, please send me your site URL via [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/auto-thickbox-plus) or [contact form](http://attosoft.info/en/contact/). **1. Modified ThickBox in the plugin is loaded properly** The following ` **2. Built-in ThickBox in WordPress conflicts with modified ThickBox** The following ` **3. "thickbox" class is added to links** The plugin adds "thickbox" class to links to images automatically. Thereby `` tags like below should have `class="thickbox"` attribute.
Text = Where is Auto ThickBox Plus Settings screen? = 1. Access Dashboard screen in WordPress 1. Click [Settings] - [Auto ThickBox Plus] in sidebar = How to localize the plugin into your language = You can localize the plugin with [Poedit](http://www.poedit.net/) and "languages/auto-thickbox.pot" file. See [Localization](../other_notes/#Localization) for details. = Differences between Auto Thickbox and Auto ThickBox Plus = At first, Auto ThickBox Plus was created besed on [Auto Thickbox](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/auto-thickbox/) v.2.0.3 (Jul 20th, 2011). Then I added many functions and fixed many bugs, so now Auto ThickBox Plus has few code of Auto Thickbox. See also [Changelog](../changelog/) for more information. = How to use modified ThickBox from other plugins = Modified ThickBox in the plugin is also available in other plugins that use built-in ThickBox in WordPress, such as [NextGEN Gallery](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/). Auto ThickBox Plus replaces built-in ThickBox with modified ThickBox dynamically. 1. Install NextGEN Gallery, and activate it 2. Access [Dashboard] - [Gallery] - [Options] - [Effects] tab 3. Select [JavaScript Thumbnail effect] - [Thickbox] option 4. Write [NextGEN Gallery tags](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/faq/) (e.g. `[nggallery id=1]`) = About [General - Display Style] setting = When [Gallery Images] option is selected, the plugin displays all images on the page as one gallery. You can switch current image by clicking "Prev/Next" links without closing ThickBox window. When [Single Image] option is selected, the plugin displays each images on the page one by one. You cannot switch current image without closing ThickBox window. To display some images as a gallery, you need to set `rel="gallery-id"` attribute to `` tag manually as below.
= About [General - Auto ThickBox] setting = When [Text links to images] option is checked, the plugin applies ThickBox to text links to images automatically. When [Text links to images] option is not checked, the plugin does not apply ThickBox to text links. To apply ThickBox to text links, you need to set `class="thickbox"` attribute to `` tag manually as below. Text = How to display only an image = When "View" setting is as follows, only an image will be displayed without margin, padding, border, caption and button. * Position - Caption - None * Margin - Image - 0 [px] * Border - Window / Image (Top left / Bottom right) - None = How to upload images via Media Uploader = 1. Click [Select a File] button at "Image" setting 1. Drag an image file from your computer and drop to "Drop files here" * or Click [Select Files] button and choose an image file from your computer 1. Click [Insert Image] button = How to use built-in ThickBox instead = 1. Access [Dashboard] - [Settings] - [Auto ThickBox Plus] screen 1. Select [General] - [ThickBox Resources] - [Built-in ThickBox] option \* Note: Functions only in modified ThickBox will be disabled, such as enhanced Auto Resize, most mouse/keyboard actions, animation effects, high compatibility with themes and plugins. Moreover, many improvements and bug fixes won't be applied. = How to insert line feeds in title/caption = Modified ThickBox supports multiline (line breaks) in title/caption. The following codes in caption/title are replaced with `
`. * LE: ` ;` (dec), ` ;` (hex) * CR: ` ;` (dec), ` ;` (hex) * CRLF: ` ; ;` (dec), ` ; ;` (hex) Text == Screenshots == 1. Pop-up image in "Single Image" style 1. Pop-up image in "Gallery Images" style with "Prev/Next" links 1. Auto ThickBox Plus Settings screen 1. Customization example (pink background, transparent window, rounded corners, no borders, custom images, bold font, etc.) 1. Mobile support for small-screen devices such as iPhone, Android, Symbian, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 1. iFramed content in ThickBox. Moreover, inline and AJAX content are also available. 1. [YouTube](http://www.youtube.com/) in ThickBox. More video services such as [Vimeo](http://vimeo.com/) and [DailyMotion](http://www.dailymotion.com/) are available. 1. [Google Maps](http://maps.google.com/) in ThickBox. More Web applications such as [Google Docs](http://docs.google.com/) and [Evernote](http://evernote.com/) are available. 1. Adobe PDF in ThickBox. More media files such as QuickTime Movie and MPEG are available. 1. Adobe Flash in ThickBox. More applications such as Adobe Shockwave are available. == Changelog == = Latest Version = = 1.9 = * NEW: Mobile beta support for small-screen devices such as iPhone, Android, Symbian, BlackBerry and Windows Phone. This is experimental support so it may not work on some version of mobile browsers. * NEW: Enhanced Auto Resize feature so that it works even when resizing browser window, even when showing iframe/ajax/inline content. Then, changed "Enabled" option to "Image/HTML" option at "General - Auto Resize" setting. * NEW: "General - Mobile Support (beta)" setting that has "No Window Margin / No ThickBox" option and "Width/Height" option * NEW: "View - Margin - Window (Image/HTML)" option * CHANGED: Removed CSS hacks for IE6 from thickbox.css, by replacing CSS Expression with JavaScript * CHANGED: ThickBox window is displayed in the center of browser when resizing browser after resizing or drag-moving itself * CHANGED: Modified Settings screen * Added "Preview" links with ThickBox to "General - Display Style" setting * Defaults to "JavaScript" option instead of "WordPress Filters" option in "General - Auto ThickBox" setting, because ThickBox cannot be applied to codes output by current theme or plugins without using WordPress filters * Added "Image links to images" option to "General - Auto ThickBox" setting. It is useful when showing only image links with other than ThickBox. * Changed "Use WordPress built-in thickbox.js/css" checkbox to "Modified/Built-in ThickBox" drop-down list in "General - ThickBox Resources" * Replaced the word "Content" with "HTML" * FIXED: Invalid positioning on some mobile browsers such as older iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch) and older Android, caused by not supporting `position:fixed` style. * FIXED: Title/caption bar misaligns by "Resize", "Expand/Shrink" and "Scale" when using "Effect - Title/Caption" option * FIXED: ThickBox window is not displayed in the center of browser due to hovering title when using "Effect - Title" option * FIXED: Even unused key events are consumed (ThickBox bug) * FIXED: Gallery images cannot be displayed in gallery style with [Cleaner Gallery](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cleaner-gallery/) = 1.8 = * NEW: The following options in "Action - Mouse Click - Image" * "Open" - You can click an image to open it in new tab/window. * "Download (beta)" - You can click an image to download it. This is experimental feature so I'm not sure whether it works on all server environments. * "Expand / Shrink" - You can expand an image to actual size then shrink it to fit window, and vice versa. * NEW: "Mouse Wheel - Image - Scroll" option and "Mouse Wheel - Background - Scroll/None" option * NEW: "View - Size - Window (Content) - Width/Height" option. You can change the default size of ThickBox window with non-image, and it can be overridden with `width`/`height` parameters in URL. * CHANGED: Modified "Mouse Wheel - Image - Scale" option. Uses calculated size instead of CSS3 transform so now it is not buggy in Drag & Drop action and it works at all browsers, and it scales only an image not ThickBox window. * CHANGED: Resizes ThickBox window with keeping aspect ratio when dragging corners. Then resize handle is shown at the bottom right corner for usability. * CHANGED: Uses spinner controls (input:number) instead of text fields (input:text) in options for entering numerical values. input:number is introduced in HTML5 so now it works only at Google Chrome, Opera and Safari. * FIXED: "Mouse Wheel" actions do not work in Firefox since some time * FIXED: "Mouse Wheel - Image - Scale" action do not work in "Single Image" style * FIXED: First click on ThickBox window is not detected after drag & drop in Opera * FIXED: Still conflicted with themes that has `body { position: relative; }` style such as [iFeature](http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/ifeature) in IE8 or earlier * UPDATED: Added **Italian (it_IT) translation (props Gianni Diurno)** and **Swedish (sv_SE) translation (props Lukas Häusler)** = 1.7 = * NEW: "General - Auto ThickBox - WordPress Filters/JavaScript/Disabled" option. Auto ThickBox had worked only in content, excerpt, comments and widget tests due to WordPress filters (hooks). Now using JavaScript, the feature can work in whole page such as front page, header/footer, contents output by themes or other plugins. You can also disable it if unnecessary. * NEW: "Mouse Wheel - Image - Scale (beta)" option. This is experimental feature so it is a little bit buggy in Drag & Drop action and it works only at modern browsers that support CSS3 transform such as IE9. * NEW: Enabled "Screen Options" menu to show/hide meta boxes in Options page * CHANGED: Improvements on custom `