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资源说明:This is a game I created when learning how to use DirectX9.

About this Project
This is a game I created when learning how to use DirectX9 by following the book Beginning Game Programming by
Johnathan S. Harbour.  A fair portion of the art assets are not my own, they came along with the book. Also, the 
programming style used on this project was one that was used in the book which I followed. 

Compiling this Project
This project uses the June 2010 release of DirectX 9. The version of Direct Sound used in this project was one modified 
by Mr. Harbour due to the various versions of DirectSound as of the time he was writing the book. Other than DirectX 9,
there aren't any other dependencies with this project.

Playing the Game
In order to play the game, navigate to Bin\Release and run the .exe file. This game supports keyboard as well as
xbox controller. 

Keyboard Controls:
Arrow keys or WASD - Movement
Space - Shoot
X - Gather items to increase energy for the gun
C - Release a powerful barage

Left Stick - Movement
A - Shoot
X - Gather items for gun energy
Y - Charge Shot

Objective of the Game
The Anti-Virus game is a score attack game. Try to see how high of a score you can get within two minutes. Pickup 
powerups and health that drop for enemies for added bonus!
