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资源说明:Arduino controlled Robot.

An Arduino controlled Robot.

These sketches are designed for an Arduino Mega 2560/Arduino Nano.

Arduino Libraries: 
-Adafruit motorshield
-Pololu motor shield


Sketches have been tested on Windows 7 x64, and OS X 10.7.3. As always though, YMMV.

**OS X Mavericks has an issue with Processing parsing gamepads at this time.**

Project Log:

Important files: (You're reading it!)

-Nara_code.ino : This is the Arduino Mega 2560 code for the bot itself.

-Nara_ControlpadNano.ino : This is Arduino code for an independent xBee controlpad.

-Transmitter_0_3 : This is the Processing code to utilize the xBee and Xbox gamepad via USB.

-RoverArchive_0_3 : This is the Arduino sketch for utilizing an Adafruit Motor driver, Arduino, and Rover 5 Chassis.

Known Issues:
