资源说明:Sledgehammer Framework
# Sledgehammer Framework https://github.com/sledgehammer/sledgehammer is the meta repository of the Sledgehammer Framework. It's used as a reference installation with popular modules installed. ### Other resources * [API Documentation](http://sledgehammer.github.com/api/) * [Sledgehammer Wiki](http://github.com/sledgehammer/sledgehammer/wiki) * [Issue tracker](https://github.com/sledgehammer/sledgehammer/issues) * [Roadmap / Backlog](https://trello.com/board/sledgehammer-framework/4ec77591eb9c5577726d94fb) Sledgehammer Framework is a modular framework, with [sledgehammer/core](http://github.com/sledgehammer/core) as its foundation. Allowing you to build your application with reusable modules. ## Installation Is recommended to install sledgehammer with [composer](http://getcomposer.org/) ``` $ composer.phar require sledgehammer/core:* ``` After `include('vendor/autoload.php');` the sledgehammer framework (and the other composer libraries) can be used. ## Why ### Lean and mean By keeping the number of classes to a minimum (Core currently has 29) it is easier to learn and remember. For example: It doesn't use multiple Exception clasess that behave exacly the same as \Exception. ### Debugging Sledgehammer provides excellent error reporting and debugging facilities. ```php // Generate a notice with addition information to solve the problem. notice('Failure X', 'You might want to try Y'); // Show the contents of $myVar dump($myVar); // Show parsetime, memory usage, database queries and other logs. \Sledgehammer\statusbar(); ``` Uses [DebugR](http://debugr.net/) for advanced debugging ajax requests. ### Autoloader Sledgehammer modules don't follow the rules of [PSR-0](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-0.md) standard, because it has an Autoloader that will work with any folderlayout. It also plugs some holes in PHP's namespace implementation and is generally more forgiving than other Autoloaders. ### Plays well with others Sledgehammer can be used as a framework, as a library or to augment an existing framework. ## Configuration Sledgehammer is a "Convension over configuration" framework. It's goal is to reduce and simplify your code. ### Error emails The email address in `$_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']` is used by the ErrorHandler to send error reports in non-development environments. ### Environments Like [other frameworks](http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.application.quick-start.html) it uses the `$_SERVER['APPLICATION_ENV']` to determine the environment or assumes a "production" enviromnent. The detected value is stored in the `Sledgehammer\ENVIROMENT` constant.