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资源说明:Electronics for OpenROV. Include schematics and other diagrams
[OpenROV]( is a DIY telerobotics community centered around underwater exploration & adventure. Our [forum]( is the primary place for community interaction and we encourage you to join us there!

This repository contains the electronics files for the OpenROV DIY Kits. These include the schematics, gerbers and the other files + diagrams.

[Bill of Materials](

[Mechanical files](

For OpenROV v2.6, v2.7, v2.8 see the OpenROV Controller Board Files.
  >It is a all-in-one power and control board that has an Arduino based Atmega 2560 aboard. Tons of I/O, and is designed to fit the BeagleBone Black.

For OpenROV v2.5 See the OpenROV Controller 2.5B. 
  >It is a all-in-one power and control board that has an Arduino based Atmega 2560 aboard. Tons of I/O, and is designed to fit both the BeagleBone Black and the original BeagleBone

For OpenROV V2.3 and V2.4, see the BeagleBone Cape A1. 
  >It is a all-in one power and control board based around the Atmega 328.
