资源说明:Electronics for OpenROV. Include schematics and other diagrams
OpenROV ================ [OpenROV](http://openrov.com/) is a DIY telerobotics community centered around underwater exploration & adventure. Our [forum](https://forum.openrov.com/) is the primary place for community interaction and we encourage you to join us there! Introduction ------- This repository contains the electronics files for the OpenROV DIY Kits. These include the schematics, gerbers and the other files + diagrams. Resources ------- [Bill of Materials](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Avf6fUwp9B3kdF9YQWxBTnZjZEVGZVQwY25EbnVyREE&usp=sharing) [Mechanical files](https://github.com/OpenROV/openrov-hardware) Notes ------- For OpenROV v2.6, v2.7, v2.8 see the OpenROV Controller Board Files. >It is a all-in-one power and control board that has an Arduino based Atmega 2560 aboard. Tons of I/O, and is designed to fit the BeagleBone Black. For OpenROV v2.5 See the OpenROV Controller 2.5B. >It is a all-in-one power and control board that has an Arduino based Atmega 2560 aboard. Tons of I/O, and is designed to fit both the BeagleBone Black and the original BeagleBone For OpenROV V2.3 and V2.4, see the BeagleBone Cape A1. >It is a all-in one power and control board based around the Atmega 328.