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资源说明:vanGoGh html5 framework
# Welcome to vanGoGh Hear HTML5 framework. 
This is vanGoGh brand new html5 app framework.
Brought to you by:

- Federico Weber: [email](, [website](, [twitter](!/FedericoWeber)
- Zulfeekar Cheriyampurath: [email](, [website](, [twitter](!/Zulfeekar)

## Dependencies 
This boilerplate is based around to main concept **MVC** and **AMD**, as explaned in this [article](

In order to make it work the following libs are needed:
* [Modernizer]( Browser features check *loaded from index.html*
* [Json2.js]( JSON for older browsers
* [jQuery]( DOM manipulation
* [Backbone.js]( MVC framework
* [Underscore.js]( needed by Backbone
* [Require.js]( AMD module loader *loaded from index.html

## Folder & Files structure
The files are organized with the following structure:
On the root level you will find: 
* vgHear/ *that contain the main framework (Check out from [here](* 
* app/ for the files specifically developed for the app.
* .htaccess
* index.html
* 404.html

### vgHear/js/main.js
This is the files used to bootstrap the framework.
All the main dependecies for the app are declared in here.

### modules boilerplate
Usually the modules you are going to develop will have the structure highlited in **vgHear/js/boilerplate.js**

### app/js/app.js
This is the entry point of the app. It should **return an init()** function that is automatically executed by the **main.js**.

### app/js/router.js
This is our router.

This file contain a base project to get you up and running in seconds.

To setup a new project just decompress the boilerplate and copy the **_** folder in it.

## Build
The building function is using require js optimizer.
To use it you need [Node.js]( installed on your machine, and then run the following command.

	 $ r.js -o AppRootFolderPath/vgHear/
