INTRODUCTION ============ This file describes the basic steps to install Emexis-Webmail on your web server. REQUERIMENTS ============ * WEB server Apache/IIS * PHP 5 or greater, with driver for PostgreSQL * PostgreSQL 8 or greater (We recommend utlização PostgreSQL for now is the only fully tested) * The framework PEAR with package DB (database abstraction), Net_socket, Net_SMTP and Mail mime installed INSTALATION AND BASICS SETTINGS =============================== * Decompress and put this folder somewhere inside your document root * Acess the folder config/, within it there are some specific configuration files config_imap.php $imapServerAddress = ''; $imapPort = 143; config_smtp.php $smtpServerAddress = ''; $smtpPort = 25; config_database.php $dsn_pear = 'pgsql://user:password@host:port/database'; Example: 'pgsql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/emexiswebmail'; config_general.php $attachment_dir = '/var/www/attach'; #Is the temporary folder of attachments, make sure it is writable and if there config_server.php $domain = 'example' $squirrelmail_default_language = 'pt_BR'; DATABASE ======== You must perform these actions as a user postgres or a super user database Then use the file inside the folder schema postgres.sql Example: $ createuser emexis $ createdb -O emexis emexiswebmail; $ psql emexiswebmail; emexis =# ALTER USER emexis WITH PASSWORD 'the_new_password'; emexis => \i schema/postgres.sql These are the basic settings for the operation.