资源说明:My config files.
# dotfiles ======== World of configuration files managed by [`biegunka`][biegunka]. [![Build Status](https://drone.io/github.com/victoredwardocallaghan/dotfiles/status.png)](https://drone.io/github.com/victoredwardocallaghan/dotfiles/latest) ## What is it? This is [`biegunka`][biegunka]-powered repository containing my configuration files. It has nice mechanism for maintain many working environments with different configurations. ## How I'm using it? `dotfiles` is a simple `cabal` package. So, at first, it should be compiled to something executable: ``` $> cabal install biegunka/dotfiles.cabal ``` ======= My config files. Requirements; * ghc and clang installed. * ctags * cabal install ghc-mod lushtags * rtorrent * mutt - email client * abook - address book for mutt * dwb - web browser * lynx - terminal web browser * xmobar - status bar * xmonad - window manager * urxvt - terminal emulator * trayer - ensures space for status bar * colordiff * htop * tree * tmux - terminal multiplexer * xscreensaver * xset * xbindkeys FIXME: Automate this in plugin: cd .vim/bundle/vimproc && make -f make_unix.mak ==> Run 'pkgfile --update' to initialize the database [biegunka]: https://github.com/biegunka