资源说明:Smooth & fast line drawing from touch inputs for UIViews using Quartz
Smooth line UIView ==================== LICENSE:BSD-3 based on https://github.com/levinunnink/Smooth-Line-ViewI add new function: 1. undo 2. redo 3. clear 4. eraser 5. change color 6. save image to file 7. save image to album 8. load image from album#### Usage#### Screenshots ![screenshots](http://i.minus.com/iyKrrzNQ7UZNG.PNG) ![screenshots](http://i.minus.com/ibjavEmJ6utGyC.PNG)//Smooth Line View-Prefix.pch //switch UIBezierPath / CGContext #define USEUIBezierPath 0 //switch Image push to memory or files #define PUSHTOFILE 1