资源说明:Command line JMX library
cjmx ==== cjmx is a command line JMX client intended to be used when graphical tools (e.g., JConsole, VisualVM) are unavailable. Additionally, cjmx intends to be useful in scripting environments. Getting cjmx ============ cjmx is available on Maven Central using groupId `com.github.cjmx` and artifactId `cjmx_2.12`. An executable JAR is published using the `app` classifier. - cjmx artifacts on Maven Central: https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:com.github.cjmx - Executable JAR using Scala 2.12: https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=com/github/cjmx/cjmx_2.12/2.8.1/cjmx_2.12-2.8.1-app.jar Note: Both a regular and an application JAR (with embedded dependencies and minimized) are published on Maven Central. Building ======== To build, run `./sbt publish-local`. This will build `target/scala-2.12/proguard/cjmx_2.12-2.8.1-SNAPSHOT.jar` and install a copy to your local ivy cache. Usage ===== Launching cjmx is done via, using Java 8+: java -cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:target/scala-2.12/proguard/cjmx_2.12-2.8.1-SNAPSHOT.jar cjmx.Main [PID] If a PID is specified on the command line, cjmx will attempt to connect to the local JVM with that PID; otherwise, cjmx starts in a disconnected state. Once cjmx starts, a prompt will appear. cjmx makes heavy use of tab completion, enabling exploration of the MBean tree. For example: java -jar path/to/cjmx.jar 1234 >disconnect exit describe names select > names 'java. java.lang: java.util.logging: > describe -d 'java.lang:type= * ClassLoading Compilation GarbageCollector Memory MemoryManager MemoryPool OperatingSystem Runtime Threading > names 'java.lang:type=*' java.lang:type=ClassLoading java.lang:type=Compilation java.lang:type=Memory java.lang:type=OperatingSystem java.lang:type=Runtime java.lang:type=Threading > describe -d 'java.lang:type=Memory' Object name: java.lang:type=Memory ---------------------------------- Description: Information on the management interface of the MBean Attributes: Verbose: boolean Description: Verbose ObjectPendingFinalizationCount: int Description: ObjectPendingFinalizationCount HeapMemoryUsage: CompositeData Description: HeapMemoryUsage NonHeapMemoryUsage: CompositeData Description: NonHeapMemoryUsage Operations: gc(): void Description: gc Notifications: javax.management.Notification Description: MEMORY NOTIFICATION Notification types: java.management.memory.threshold.exceeded java.management.memory.collection.threshold.exceeded > mbeans 'java.lang:type=Memory' select * java.lang:type=Memory --------------------- Verbose: false ObjectPendingFinalizationCount: 0 HeapMemoryUsage: committed: 110432256 init: 0 max: 2130051072 used: 63307880 NonHeapMemoryUsage: committed: 140849152 init: 24317952 max: 318767104 used: 121815008 Alternatively, cjmx can run a series of commands and then terminate. This is done by specifying each command as a program argument. For example: java -jar path/to/cjmx.jar 1234 "describe 'java.lang:type=Memory'" "mbeans 'java.lang:type=Memory' select *" Object name: java.lang:type=Memory ---------------------------------- Description: Information on the management interface of the MBean Attributes: Verbose: boolean ObjectPendingFinalizationCount: int HeapMemoryUsage: CompositeData NonHeapMemoryUsage: CompositeData Operations: gc(): void Notifications: javax.management.Notification java.lang:type=Memory --------------------- Verbose: false ObjectPendingFinalizationCount: 0 HeapMemoryUsage: committed: 110432256 init: 0 max: 2130051072 used: 76943832 NonHeapMemoryUsage: committed: 140980224 init: 24317952 max: 318767104 used: 122049448 All commands have help information available by typing "help" in the console. Remote Connections ================== cjmx supports connecting to remote JMX agents. A simple _*insecure*_ way of running the remote process is: java -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7091 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false MainClass With this process running on host 'server', you can connect via cjmx using the 'remote-connect' command: cjmx remote-connect server:7091 Once connected, cjmx supports all the same behaviors as with a local connection. For a more secure connection, it is recommended you run with SSL and/or with username authentication. Usernames can be specified as the optional second parameter of the 'remote-connect' command: cjmx remote-connect server:7091 admin cjmx will then prompt for the password. To use SSL, you must run cjmx with the appropriate `javax.net.ssl` flags. For more details on configuring JMX agents, see: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/management/agent.html