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资源说明:My personal VIM configuration.
My personal VIM configuration

What does it do to my Vim?

It adds the following configuration, you can override it if you wish (see [how](#i-like-some-of-your-configuration-but-i-want-some-of-my-own-too)).

1. Uses the desert theme when running Vim in a GUI.
2. Installs [Pathogen](
4. Uses the built in apache syntax for files with the extension _conf_.
5. Uses 2 spaces instead of tabs (except for Makefile's).
6. Uses _smartindent_.
7. Attaches a `:set paste` and `:set nopaste` toggle to <F5>.
8. Adds line numbers.
9. Turns on an option to move the view to search results while typing your search query.
10. Adds the ability to have .vimrc configuration per directories
11. Sets the <Leader> to `,`.
12. Installs a load of [plugins](#what-comes-bundled).


### Linux / Mac

curl | sh

### Windows

cd C:\Users\[you]
git clone vimfiles
mklink _vimrc vimfiles\_vimrc
cd vimfiles
git submodule update --init
cd bundle\vimproc
# Windows using Mingw (32bit Vim):
make -f make_mingw32.mak
# Windows using Mingw (64bit Vim):
make -f make_mingw64.mak


Once you've installed this VIM package, you can always check and install updates. Run:

cd $HOME/.vim && git pull origin master && git submodule update --init

Or, you can save the above line as a bash alias:

# ~/.bashrc
alias updatevim="cd $HOME/.vim && git pull origin master && git submodule update --init"

What comes bundled?

- [Ack](
- [Airline](
- [Bufkill](
- [Camel Case Motion](
- [CoffeeScript](
- [CSS Color](
- [CSS3 Syntax](
- [Ctrl-P]( - NOTE: Ctrl-P uses a feature to reset the working directory to the selected file's nearest repo ancestor. This is pretty annoying for svn users so I've turned it off.
- [Delimit Mate](
- [Easy Motion](
- [Exchange](
- [Fugitive](
- [Gundo](
- [Handlebars](
- [IndentLine](
- [Jade](
- [JSON](
- [JST](
- [Less](
- [Literal CoffeeScript](
- [Markdown]( - This is mainly used for the literal coffee plugin
- [MRU](
- [Mustache](
- [NerdTree]( - Toggling focus has been mapped to <F2> and toggling the view has been mapped to <S-F2>
- [RVM](
- [Shell](
- [Slim](
- [Snipmate](
- [Sparkup](
- [Splice](
- [Stylus](
- [Surround](
- [Syntastic](
- [TagList](
- [tComment](
- [TypeScript](
- [VimProc](
- [VimShell](

### Fancy Powerline fonts

To get fancy Powerline fonts in the Airline status bar, go and install one of the [patched fonts]( and then add the following to your ~/.vimrc file:

set guifont=[Your patched font]
let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1

I like some of your configuration, but I want some of my own too

### Linux
# If you're on linux just edit the created ~/.vim file

### Windows
" C:\Users\[you]\_vimrc

runtime _vimrc

" Add your config here...
