docLamp by Doug Szumski ======================= An RGB LED lamp project using feedback from an ADXL345 accelerometer to control the colour. The cartesian vector from the ADXL345 is smoothed using a stack-based averaging approach and then converted to spherical polars using look up tables. This yields a stable measurement of both theta and phi, with an angular resolution of better than 0.25 degrees and a refresh rate fast enough to make the lamp highly resoponsive to the users motions. TODO: * Clean up code!! * Fix double tap detection for mode selection (currently unreliable) * Add schematic Files: docLamp.c : Main program ADXL345.h : Accelerometer routines (including double tap): ADXL345.c hConfig.h : Hardware specific routines for ATmega hConfig.c i2cmaster.h : I2C master library by Peter Fleury twimaster.c uart.h : UART library by Peter Fleury uart.c lut.c : Lookup tables for trig functions lutGen.py : Python script for generating the above sample.h : Filtering routine for acceleration vectors sample.c teststack.c : Test for above Significant contributions: Will J. Szumski for writing the sampling routine Peter Fleury for providing excellent TWI / UART libraries