About the application : ----------------------------------------- The application is all about harnessing the capabilities of below components to create a web crawler that can crawl any site. So here we are mainly interested in getting the pin code of various areas/cities across India from a site called javataskforce.com. #####This Application uses: * #####Apache CXF: making rest/http request to remote site and fetch the page. * #####JPA/Hibernate with HSQLDB using japa with hibernate to populate the HSQLDB with the information we are interested in * ####Apache Camel coordinating between cxf/jpa, leveraging many task that requires a lot of coding, creating routes that states what to do and when to do #####Overview: The Whole application is interconnected by camel routes, which are as follows (all routes are defined in camel-routes.xml) * #####states-invoke-route i) invoke the crawler sevice to get state ii) parse/process the states obtained iii) put them in another Queue iv) stoe the states into HSQLDB * #####districts-invoke-route i) pool the DB( HsqlDb) and get the State with some particular status(INITIAL) ii) update the status of State to (IN_PROCESS) iii) invoke the crawler service to obtain districts for state iv) parse/process the districts obtained v) put them in another Queue vi) store the districts into HSQLDB vii) mark the state as processed (COMPLETED) * #####pincode-invoke-route i) pool the DB( HsqlDb) and get the District with some status(INITIAL) ii) update the status of District to (IN_PROCESS) iii) invoke the crawler service to obtain areas/cities for the fetched District iv) parse/process the areas/cities obtained v) put them in another Queue vi) store the area/city into HSQLDB vii) mark the district as processed (COMPLETED) In a nutshell there are some routes which invokes a crawl url , the result of which is parsed/processed and then saved into the crawl Database #####Configuring the application: Scheduling configuation: a) open camel-routes.xml and change the cron in statement to a suitable time quartz://myGroup/myTimerName?cron=30 06 00 03 08 ? 2016 b) open the camel-routing-policy.xml and schedule time for i) districts-invoke-route ii) pincode-route-policy #####Running the application: a) mvn clean install b) run the HSQL Database c) Go to hsqldb folder on Windows: i) click db_sart.bat on Unix/Linux i) sh db_start.sh d) mvn exec:exec this will execute com.javatask.Run #####Monitoring : a) Application can be monitored using Jconsole at port 86764( port can be changed by changing the jmx setting in pom.xml)-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=8764 open Jsonsole and add service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// b) Monitoring HSQL DB - Windows Client ( execute db_client.bat available in hsqldb folder