资源说明:Read-only mirror of https://xircles.codehaus.org/projects/jbehave/repos/eclipse/repo
JBehave Eclipse =============== Requirements ------------ Eclipse (Indigo or Juno) Features of JBehave Eclipse Plugin: * Custom Story Parser * Story Editor Story Editor: * Story syntax highlighting * Step hyperlink detector and implementation jump * Basic step auto-completion * Step validation: * Detects unimplemented steps, ie invalid step syntax * Detects ambiguous steps, ie entry that is match by several implementation Preference page: * Story syntax coloring settings * Localized Keyword support * Console (and logger level) settings Installation ============ Use Eclipse Installer Updates Site ------------ http://jbehave.org/reference/eclipse/updates/ Local Build ----------- Build using instructions in BUILD.markdown Built repository found in org.jbehave.eclipse.repository/target/repository RELEASE NOTES ============= Inspiration =========== * [GivWenZen](https://bitbucket.org/szczepiq/givwenzenclipse/wiki/Home) * [Building an Eclipse Text Editor with JFace Text](http://www.realsolve.co.uk/site/tech/jface-text.php) * [Eclipse Plug-ins, Third Edition](http://www.amazon.com/Eclipse-Plug-ins-3rd-Eric-Clayberg/dp/0321553462/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1300059405&sr=8-1) * [Erlang IDE ](https://github.com/erlide/erlide)