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资源说明:Zombunity MUD: A distributed, message processing framework consisting of a message server, database http server and web client.

Zombunity MUD

An event-driven web MUD framework consisting of a MUD server, http server and web client.

Scroll to the bottom for a text version of "Getting Started"

YouTube Project Updates (Newest to Oldest):
[GUI Improvements] (http://youtu.be/IHk-2XaKb6A) 
[Milestone Reached!] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IsLhGv5zyM)
[Live DB Unit Tests & Deployment Scripts] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb-_RwmZaZc)
YouTube Code Tutorials (Newest to Oldest): -------------------------------------------- [Debug JavaScript on Jetty Instead of Webbit] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyv2vzhJQEo&feature=youtu.be)
[Daemon Filtering] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtMhSVFqHCo&feature=youtu.be)
[Data Interface & Custom Data Test Data Providers] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wQIEikNlbs)
[Bash Deployment Scripts for Linux] (http://youtu.be/UXCHh9uM14s)
[Getting Started on Heroku] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44YNnFkVeJA)
[Getting Started] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNd3UT4OShs&feature=youtu.be)
[Login Handling] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEbyLqxB1C0&feature=youtu.be "Login Handling")
[JDBC Gotchas] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbScWWj_sPU "JDBC Gotchas")
[Registering Daemons] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzMQ8c3PWiE "Registering Daemons")
[Basic Framework] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKdL5onIiWQ "Basic Framework")
[WebSocket Tutorial] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl69WXhiX2w "WebSocket Tutorial")
[Compiling ClojureScript] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_25R3MMB_H8 "Compiling ClojureScript")
Web Client: ----------- A ClojureScript web page that uses an event dispatch model to communicate between namespaces in place of a traditional MVC model. Uses Google Closure WebSocket to communicate with an HTTP server. HTTP Server: ------------ A Webbit server that does three things: - registers client connections with an ID - places text from the client into the MUD server message queue with it's ID - polls the client message queue for messages from the server and sends them to the appropriate client. MUD Server: ----------- A event dispatch system that does three things: - polls the message queue for messages from clients - writes client messages to the message queue for the HTTP server to relay - dispatches events to daemons to process into more events Walkthrough: ------------ - Client types "attack bear" - web dispatch creates :input event - websocket namespace sends :text event with text ("attack bear") as JSON to HTTP server - HTTP server adds connection ID of client to JSON and stores in MUD server message queue - MUD server polls message queue and removes messages - MUD server converts the JSON to a Clojure map - MUD server dispatches on event type (:text) to appropriate daemon - Daemon processes event, generates more events, sends them to dispatch - MUD server continues to dispatch out events - Client message events (:client) are put in the client message queue for the HTTP server - HTTP server polls the client message queue - HTTP server looks up client connection by connection ID in message - HTTP server sends message to client via WebSocket connection. - web dispatch sends :message event - web gui namespace displays message / updates gui Getting Started: ---------------- ### GNU/Linux This has been simplified down to a set of BASH scripts with a single script to kick everything off. All scripts assume they are run from you zombunity dev directory (i.e. where your project.clj file is) #### First Run 1. Clone the git repo git clone https://github.com/cwmaguire/zombunity-mud 1. ./start runs lein deps
Starts the HSQLDB
loads it with data
builds ClojureScript
runs HTTP server
runs a REPL for running the MUD server 1. Run the MUD server in the resulting REPL > (ns zombunity.dispatch)
> (register-daemons)
> (start-processing-messages)
#### Subsequent Runs Only perform the necessary steps: e.g. if the database is running and has data, it doesn't need to be run again. You can kill the database with: > ps -A | grep java
> kill -9 [process ID from previous step] To remove all the database files and start fresh: > rm -r zombunity.* If the database goes down, the HTTP and MUD servers should be restarted. 1. Load dependencies with > lein deps 1. Start the database > ./start_db 1. Load the database with data > ./load_data 1. Build the ClojureScript > lein run -m zombunity.build/build 1. Run the HTTP server > lein run 1. Run the MUD server > ./start_mud_repl > (ns zombunity.dispatch)
> (register-daemons)
> (start-processing-messages) 1. Open the web page: Open a web browser Tested with Chrome, should work with Firefox, probably won't work with IE or Opera Browse to the zombunity.html file e.g. http://localhost/zombunity.html 1. Click "Connect" ### Windows #### Arg! Webbit won't load all of the ClojureScript JavaScript under Windows, so the page won't load properly. You can test out the client side code by itself (e.g. to debug menus and such) by running the client-side code under Jetty; see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyv2vzhJQEo&feature=youtu.be This is slowly evolving to require less and less steps 1. Clone the git repo git clone https://github.com/cwmaguire/zombunity-mud 1. Run lein deps 1. Start the HSQLDB server > start_db.bat 1. Run the setup SQL with SqlTool > load_db.bat 1. Run the http server with "lein run" open a command prompt to the project dir and run "lein run" 1. Build the JavaScript open a command prompt to the project dir and run "lein run -m zombunity.build/build" Currently I'm having to manually massage the Google Closure deps: - add a dependency line to goog/deps.js for useragent/jscript: > goog.addDependency("useragent/jscript.js", ['goog.userAgent.jscript'], ['goog.string']); - add "goog.userAgent.jscript" to the list of dependencies for goog.string.StringBuffer > goog.addDependency("string/stringbuffer.js", ['goog.string.StringBuffer'], ['goog.userAgent.jscript']); 1. Copy libs from local repo to project lib folder > copy_libs.bat 1. Run a REPL for the MUD server Assuming %SERV_PATH% is the path to your zombunity_server directory (e.g. c:\dev\zombunity\zombunity_server) > java -cp %SERV_PATH%\lib\clojure-1.4.0.jar;%SERV_PATH%\lib\\*;%SERV_PATH%\src\; clojure.main -i %SERV_PATH%\src\zombunity\dispatch.clj -r This will load up the dispatch script (-i) but keep the REPL open (-r) Run the main function: > (main) 1. Open the web page: Open a web browser Tested with Chrome, should work with Firefox, probably won't work with IE or Opera Browse to the zombunity.html file e.g. http://localhost/zombunity.html 1. Click "Connect"
