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资源说明:Convert par favorit markdown syntax to html document, supports semantic-ui and bootstrap css framework.
Parm Introduction

Convert par favorit markdown syntax to html document, supports semantic-ui and
bootstrap css framework.

## Installation

First install par and parm to your box.

pip install parm

Then writing your markdown documents. For example write it in:


## Initialize Environment

Next, change to docs folder. If you are run the first time, you should initialize
parm project environment, just like:

parm init

When running this command, it'll may ask if you want to initialize the config
information, if you choice `Y`, then you will enter interactive command line,
then just input some infos, and you can change them later in `` file.
And parm will use it to convert the markdown documents.

This command will copy some static files and templates from parm module. But
you don't need to care about them now.

For 0.9 version, it'll also copy a demo pages such as :,,
so you can directly run `parm make` and see the result.

## Writing TOC

Next, you can start to convert the docs. Because parm support table of content(TOC), so
you can write your topic content in `` file. For 0.9 version, it'll already
created a for you, so you can just open and edit it.

The content just like:

## Introduction

{% toc max_depth=2 %}
{% endtoc %}

For 0.9 version, you shouldn't need H1 subject, because the project info is already
written in, and you can change them.

You should put all files which you can to be listed in `toc` tag. And you can
also set `max_depth` argumant, and it means the heading level of each markdown
file, such as `h1`, `h2`, .etc. You can also skip `max_depth` the default will
be `1`.

You can put multiple toc section in, and also give a H2 subject for each.

## Build

And you can run:

parm make

to start converting.

And when the convert finished, the result will be output to `html` default.
You can also change it with `-d` parameter, just like:

parm make -d output_directory

and the result will be outputed to  `output_directory`.

## Convert reStructuredText to Markdown

parm also supports convert reStructuredText format to Markdown format. Just
enter your doc directory, and execute below command:

parm rst2md 

But you known, reStructuredText format is rich than markdown, so I expand some
new style for Markdown format in [par]( project.
But there are still some styles unsupported by par, so you need to change them

And if you want to convert reStructuredText to Markdown, you should install
`docutils` first.

Just try it, hope you enjoy it.

## About rst2md writer

I found there is a project in github, and I
changed the code from it in order to suit the style format of `par`. But I found
rst2md seem not so matual enough.

## How to add disqus support

When initialized the parm project, it'll copy some templates and static files. You may
want to add disqus support to each page. So let me show you how to do that.

### Sign in Disqus and got embeded codes

For 0.9 version, parm has already supported disqus, so when you created
it'll ask you the disqus account name, and the name will be saved in, so
you can edit it later. And steps below will not need, but you should know how
to config it if you want to change it later.

You should sign in disqus first, and then you'll get two paragraphs, one is
html code, the other is js code. For example:

**html code**

comments powered by Disqus ``` **js code** ``` ``` And you should replace two `YOUR_SITE_SHORT_NAME` according your account of disqus. For 0.9 version, you can just replace `disqus` config variable, it's enough. Above codes is already saved in ``, for example: ``` #disqus disqus_text = ''' ... ''' disqus_js = ''' ... ''' ``` ### Change layout.html Open the template file `your_parm_project/templates/layout.html` and change two places: After ```
{{<< source}}
``` add: ``` {{<< conf.disqus_text}} ``` And before ``` ``` add: ``` {{<< conf.disqus_js}} ``` When after above works, execute `parm make -d output_directory` again. For 0.9 version, above code is already existed in `layout.html` template. ## Change Index Introduction Info Introduction is a pagagraph to show the project title and summary infos, you can change it in ``` introduction = u'''

%s %s

Your project shows description here.

''' % (project, version) ``` ## About theme For 0.8 version, parm is already support two themes: bootstrap, semantic. But I prefer the semantic, because I made more care about it. If you want to change the theme, you can just change : ``` theme = 'semantic' ``` ## Menu Navigation Default menu navigation has only home entry, you can change it in according the description: ``` menus = [ ('home', 'Home', 'index.html'), ] ``` ## How to exclude files In 0.9 version, after you've initialized parm project, there should be an exclude.txt file, you can change it to exclude the files or directories which you don't want to copy to output directory. One pattern could be in one line. The pattern just like filename matching pattern, for example, these are available patterns: ``` *.pyc templates ``` ## How to host your docs in github pages 1. clone your project to a new directory, for example `yourproject-doc` 2. `git checkout --orphan gh-pages` 3. `git rm -rf .` 4. create docs in your repo, and write your docs 5. render html to doc directory, for example the directory will be: ``` project(master)\ docs\ <------you are here project-doc(gh-pages)\ ``` ``` parm make -d ../../yourproject-doc ``` 6. in yourproject-doc, `git add .` 7. `git commit -a -m "init doc"` 8. `git push origin gh-pages` 9. Visit your doc in `` You could also see the documentation to understand how to use `gh-pages`. ## Markdown Extensions Parm add some markdown extension, the TOC support is one of them, others are: ### Code Comment The Syntax like this: ``` {% code-comment target=element %} key : value key : value {% endcode-comment %} ``` For `target` will be the target element selector, it could be `
` or element id.

And `key` can be lineno or keywords defined in code, and this will display an label
and when you move mouse on it, it'll display a tip the content comes from `value`.

For example:

First defined your code like this:

from os import path
path.join('a', 'b')

Then define code comment like this:

{% code-comment target=test %}
path : path submodule
2 : line 2
{% endcode-comment %}

And the result should be:


So you can see a popup will shown when your mourse hover specified lineno or keyword.

### include file

Sometimes you need to show some codes, one way you can type them in document directly, using
```, .etc. But in Parm, you can also include code from a source file,
so this feature will be very handy, and even the code is changed, you don't need
to care about the code sync, just recreate the doc again. 
And you can use `include` to do this thing.

The basic syntax of `include` tag should be:

{% include file=filename, lines=lines_range, language=lanaguage, class=class %}
{% endinclude %}

file (must)
:   source filename, it's path will be relative with current markdown doc file

lines (optional)
:   defines the range of lines in source file, it can be several ranges like this:

    1-20 30-
    Above means the line 1<= lineno <= 20 and 30 <= lineno will be included.
    So if you ommit `lines` at all, the whole file will be included.
    2 5
    It is also right syntax. Just they are the simple line patterns.
language (optional)
:   Specify the language. 

class (optional)
:   Extra `class` attribute will be add to `
` tag. If you want Parm show
    lineno, you should use `class=linenums` . This class used in google highlight
    js lib.

lines_content (optional)
:   If you don't want to use lineno specifing the range of code lines, you can also
    use regular expression, so just defined it in lines_content.
    The format is:
    The `...` is used to separate `begin` regular expression and `end` regular expression.
    Only one of them could be ommitted. And the line that matching `begin` or 
    `end` pattern will be included in the output, so if you want to skip them, 
    you can add `!` at the end of the pattern.
    For example, the file content is:
        $('.div').on('click', function(e){
    {% include file=test.js %}
    {% endinclude %}
    will show the lines like:
        $('.div').on('click', function(e){
    {% include file=test.js %}
    {% endinclude %}
    will only show the lines like:

### mermaid graph

[mermaid]( is a tool which can produce flowcharts, sequence diagrams,
and Gant diagrams. Parm support this tool, so you can write mermaid syntax like this:

{% graph %}
graph TD
    B["fa:fa-twitter for peace"]
    B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
    B-->E(A fa:fa-camera-retro perhaps?);
{% endgraph %}

The output will just like:

{% graph %}
graph TD
    B["fa:fa-twitter for peace"]
    B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
    B-->E(A fa:fa-camera-retro perhaps?);
{% endgraph %}

## License

This software is released under BSD license.


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