资源说明:A basic personal health record for humans
globalPHR ========= A basic personal health record for humans GlobalPHR is a medical data exchange format that quickly and reliably allows care providers to access patient information. Unlike competing solutions that are either tethered to the web, very low capacity, or unaffordable, GlobalPHR stores a broad set of essential data in an easy to use, portable, and affordable offline format. Try it at http://www.globalphr.com ## Features * QR as data format for exchange (e.g. fax machine, email, copier) * store data directly in QR code * edit data on client device * target "no Internet" solution * offer web-based enhancements * offer web-based analytics ## Contributing You are invited to contribute code and suggestions to this project. The more the merrier. ## Project Info * Source: https://github.com/mchogan/globalPHR * Twitter: [http://twitter.com/@mch82](http://twitter.com/@mch82) ## License ### 3rd party libraries: - [jQuery 1.8.2](http://jquery.com): MIT/GPL license - [jQuery Mobile 1.2.0](http://jquerymobile.com): MIT/GPL license - [jsqrcode](https://github.com/LazarSoft/jsqrcode) - [QR Code Generator](https://github.com/amanuel/JS-HTML5-QRCode-Generator) - [jQuery Mobile Boilerplate](https://github.com/commadelimited/jQuery-Mobile-Boilerplate): Public domain - [iOS Orientation Change Fix](https://github.com/scottjehl/iOS-Orientationchange-Fix): MIT / GPLv2 ### Custom bits: TBD, but for now copyright 2012-2013 Michael C. Hogan