资源说明:ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS binding to MonoTouch
# MonoTouch.ArcGIS [ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS][1] Version 10.1.1 Update 1 (Apr 2013) binding to MonoTouch. ![AGSTiledMapServiceLayer](Screenshots/BaseMapLayer.jpg) ![AGSFeatureLayer](Screenshots/PointFeatureLayerWithInfo.png) ## Support Features This project is very early state, only support a few features following: - AGSTiledMapServiceLayer - AGSDynamicMapServiceLayer (not completed yet) - AGSGraphicsLayer - AGSFeatureLayer Other features need to be added, please wait or add them by yourself. ## Build the Binding project and run test 1. Login to ESRI Online, download and install ArcGIS Runtime SDK **ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS v10.1.1 Update 1**, the file downloaded should be **AGSRuntimeSDKiOSv10.1.1-u1.pkg**. 2. Clone this repository to local, for example `~/Projects/MonoTouch.ArcGIS` 3. Copy file `~/Library/SDKs/ArcGIS/iOS/ArcGIS.framework/Versions/Current/ArcGIS` to Binding project folder, and rename it to `libArcGIS.a` 4. Rebuild the Binding project first, if no errors occured, then build the AGSTestCS Project. 5. Run the AGSTestCS ## Usage and Tutorial - Check ESRI ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS [Guide][2]. - Check ESRI ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS [API reference][3]. - Check the **AGSTestCS** project in this repository. ## How to add new features Be aware of those files in the Binding project: - gen.cs: This file is generated by [Objective Sharpie][4] producted by Xamarin, target with iOS, with the *.h files in the Headers folder. (A file named gen_simulator is also generated, target with iOS Simulator, the two files are same.) - Api_new.cs: Created by hand, add feature on demand, and try always keep this file can be compiled. If you need more ArcGIS Api Features, do as follow steps: - Locate the interface you needed in the gen.cs; - Copy the interface defination to gen.cs, if the interface you copyed reference to other interface, copy the referenced to; - Check and correct those VerifyAttributes generated by Objective Sharpie; - Try compile the Binding object, ensure there is no error while compiling the project; - Write some test code in the AGSTestCS project to ensure your new interface works correctly; ### Note: - After successfly build the Binding project, MonoTouch.ArcGIS.dll is generated, the file size is almost 200MB, because libArcGIS.a is embeded in, so the dll file size is ok; - After successfly build the AgsTestCS project, the final ipa file is about 7MB, whitch is acceptable. Good luck! ## Still need help May be Google ! [1]:https://developers.arcgis.com/en/ios/ [2]:https://developers.arcgis.com/en/ios/guide/introduction.htm [3]:https://developers.arcgis.com/en/ios/api-reference/index.htm [4]:http://docs.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/binding_objective-c/objective_sharpie