资源说明:browserify-compatible webgl 2D texture lib.
# texture.js Browserify-compatible, streamable webgl 2D texture module. ````javascript var texture = require('texture.js') , canvas = document.createElement('canvas') , gl = canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl') , Texture = texture(gl) Texture.fromURL('image.png', function(err, texture) { var img = new Image img.src = 'someotherimg.jpg' img.onload = function() { texture.writeImage( img , 0 , 0 , img.width , img.height , Math.floor(texture.width()/2) , Math.floor(texture.height()/2) , img.width , img.height ) } }) ```` ## API ### require('texture.js') -> function texture(gl){} Returns a function that accepts a WebGL context and returns the `Texture` constructor function. ### texture(gl) -> Texture Returns the `Texture` constructor when provided a gl context. ### Texture.fromCanvas ### Texture.fromImage(image[, options], ready) Static method that accepts a `HTMLCanvas` or `Image` element, as well as optional [options](#options) object and a node-style `ready` callback (`function(err, texture instance) {}`). Dimensions are pulled from the incoming element. > ### NB: > This method is designed to accept `Image` objects > that have already loaded -- that is, their `onload` > has already been called. > > For images that haven't loaded yet, use `Texture.fromURL`. ### Texture.fromURL(url[, options], ready) Static method that accepts a string URL to load as a texture. Otherwise follows the `fromImage` API. > ### NB: > Textures should be loaded from the same domain, > or from a domain that provides the appropriate CORS > headers. ### Texture.create(dimensions, color[, options], ready) Static method that accepts a set of integer dimensions `[width, height]`, a color -- either `null` for empty textures or `[red, green, blue, alpha]` floating point values, an optional [options](#options) object, and a node-style callback. ### Texture#handle() -> WebGL texture handle Returns a handle suitable for passing to `gl.bindTexture`. ````javascript // e.g., gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, myTexture.handle()) ```` ### Texture.writeImage(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) Writes a subset of `img` (using `sx, sy, sw, sh`) to the texture using `gl.texSubImage2D` at the destination using `dx, dx, dw, dh`. `img` may be a loaded `Image` object, an `HTMLCanvasElement`, or an `HTMLVideoElement`. > ### NB: > When using HTMLCanvasElements or HTMLVideoElements, > or when the image would be clipped against the texture dimensions > or otherwise resized, the image will be drawn to a temporary > canvas element and copied using `canvas.getImageData`. ### Texture.asFramebuffer() -> WebGL Render buffer handle Creates and returns a render buffer handle whose storage is specified as the current texture (for render-to-texture). ### Texture.enable(textureUnit = 0) -> textureUnit Enables the texture on the specified `textureUnit`. Equivalent to ````javascript gl.activeTexture(gl['TEXTURE'+textureUnit]) gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, myTexture.handle()) return textureUnit ```` ### Texture.width() -> integer width ### Texture.height() -> integer height Returns the requested dimension of the image. ### Texture.createWriteStream([dx, dy, dw, dh]) -> TextureStream Return a writable stream to this texture. `data` events will be delegated to `texture.writeImage(DATA_EVENT_PAYLOAD, 0, 0, incoming_width, incoming_height, dx, dy, dw, dh)`. ## Options ### mag `gl.texParameteri(TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,)` **Values** * `"linear"`: `gl.LINEAR` * `"nearest"`: `gl.NEAREST` ### min `gl.texParameteri(TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, )` **Values** * `"linear"`: `gl.LINEAR` * `"nearest"`: `gl.NEAREST` * `"mipmap"`: `gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR` > ### NB: > `mipmap` can only be used with power of two textures > whose edges are set to `clamp`. > > Using mipmap will automatically do the required > setup (calling gl.generateMipmap(), etc). ### wrap_width ### wrap_height `gl.texParameteri(TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_WRAP_S|T, )` **Values** * `"repeat"`: `gl.REPEAT` * `"clamp"`: `gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE`