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资源说明:A plugin version of the Custom Countdown theme
# Custom Countdown Plugin


* Andrew Norcross ( [@norcross]( ) / []( )

**Version**: 1.0
**Requires at least**: 3.3
**Tested up to**: 3.4.1
**License**: GPLv2

## Description

A plugin version of the [Custom Countdown]( theme. Allows for logged in users to see activated theme.

**View Demo Site**:
[Custom Countdown on Norcross Sandbox](

**Theme Version**:
[Custom Countdown Plugin](

## Installation

1. Upload `custom-countdown` folder to `wp-content/plugins`
2. Activate

## Configuration

1. Set your launch date on the "Countdown Options" under the "Settings" tab

## Potential Enhancements

1. Add social following (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
2. Add mailing list sign up
