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资源说明:Release history of Algorithm-Viterbi
    Algorithm::Viterbi - Compute Viterbi path and probability

      use Algorithm::Viterbi;
      my $start_probability = { 'Rainy'=> 0.6, 'Sunny'=> 0.4 };

      my $transition_probability = {
       'Rainy' => {'Rainy'=> 0.7, 'Sunny'=> 0.3},
       'Sunny' => {'Rainy'=> 0.4, 'Sunny'=> 0.6},

      my $emission = {
        'shop' =>  { 'Sunny' => '0.3', 'Rainy' => '0.4' },
        'walk' =>  { 'Sunny' => '0.6', 'Rainy' => '0.1' },
        'clean' => { 'Sunny' => '0.1', 'Rainy' => '0.5' }

      my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new();

      my $observations = [ 'walk', 'shop', 'clean' ];

      my ($prob, $v_path, $v_prob) = $v->forward_viterbi($observations);

      -- or --
      my $training_data = [
        [ 'walk', 'Sunny' ],
        [ 'walk', 'Sunny' ],
        [ 'walk', 'Rainy' ],
        [ 'shop', 'Rainy' ],
        [ 'clean', 'Rainy' ],
        [ 'clean', 'Rainy' ],

      my ($prob, $v_path, $v_prob) = $v->forward_viterbi($observations);

    Algorithm::Viterbi computes the forward probability, the Viterbi path
    and the Viterbi probability of a sequence of observations, based on a
    given start, emission and transition probability. Alternatively, the
    start, emission and transition probability can be computed from a set of
    training data.

    The whole idea of this module is inspired by an article on the Viterbi
    algorithm in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rather than copying all
    text, I'm just including the link to the Wikipedia page:
    . I think the page is
    well-written and I see no need to repeat the theory here. Reading it may
    clarify the documentation below.

    new     Creates a new "Algorithm::Viterbi" object. The following
            attributes can be set with the constructor:

              my $v = Algorthm::Viterbi->new(
                start_state => '$',
                unknown_emission_prob => undef,
                unknown_transition_prob => 0);

            The values of the attributes in the example are the default
            values. For a detailed description and use of these attributes,
            see below.

    train   This method computes the start, emission and transition
            probabilities from a set of observations and their associated
            states. The probabilities are simple averages of the passed
            observations, so if you require sophisticated smoothing on the
            emission, start and/or transition, then you're better off
            rolling your own.

            The value of member start_state is a bogus state used to define
            the begin state of the first transition. By default, this state
            is set to '$'. You can change this by setting the variable in
            the constructor or later by accessing the member directly. See
            example below.

            This state can also be used as a separator between the beginning
            and end of a sequence of observations. For example, you could
            assign this state (tag) to every end-of-sentence symbol when
            training on a pre-tagged corpus.

            The set of observations is passed as a reference to an array as
            shown in the following example:

              use strict;
              use Algorithm::Viterbi;
              use Data::Dumper;

              my $observations = [
                [ 'work', 'rainy' ],
                [ 'work', 'sunny' ],
                [ 'walk', 'sunny' ],
                [ 'walk', 'rainy' ],
                [ 'shop', 'rainy' ],
                [ 'work', 'rainy' ],

              my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new(start_state => '###');

              print Dumper($v);

            will produce:

              $VAR1 = bless( {
                             'transition' => {
                                               'sunny' => {
                                                            'sunny' => '0.5',
                                                            'rainy' => '0.25'
                                               'rainy' => {
                                                            'sunny' => '0.5',
                                                            'rainy' => '0.5'
                                               '###' => {
                                                          'rainy' => '0.25'
                             'emission' => {
                                             'shop' => {
                                                         'rainy' => '0.25'
                                             'walk' => {
                                                         'sunny' => '0.5',
                                                         'rainy' => '0.25'
                                             'work' => {
                                                         'sunny' => '0.5',
                                                         'rainy' => '0.5'
                             'start_state' => '###',
                             'states' => [
                             'unknown_transition_prob' => 0,
                             'start' => {
                                          'sunny' => '0.333333333333333',
                                          'rainy' => '0.666666666666667'
                           }, 'Algorithm::Viterbi' );

    start   Initializes the start probabilities. The start probabilities are
            passed as a reference to a hash, as shown in this example:

              my $start_probability = { 'Rainy'=> 0.6, 'Sunny'=> 0.4 };
              my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new();

            From the start probabilities, all possible states are derived,
            by copying the keys of the start hash. This list of states is
            used by the forward_viterbi method. It is therefore important to
            mention all possible states in the start hash.

            Returns the start probabilities.

            Initializes the emission probabilities. The emission is passed
            as a reference to a hash, as shown in this example:

              my $emission_probability = {
                      'shop' =>  { 'Sunny' => '0.3', 'Rainy' => '0.4' },
                      'swim' =>  { 'Sunny' => '0.1' }, 
                      'walk' =>  { 'Sunny' => '0.5', 'Rainy' => '0.1' },
                      'clean' => { 'Sunny' => '0.1', 'Rainy' => '0.5' }
              my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new();

            The keys of the emission hash constitute the dictionary, which
            is used to determine whether an observation is a known or an
            unknown observation.

            Returns the emission probabilities.

            Initializes the transition probabilities. The transition is
            passed as a reference to a hash, as shown in this example:

              my $transition_probability = {
               'Rainy' => {'Rainy'=> 0.7, 'Sunny'=> 0.3},
               'Sunny' => {'Rainy'=> 0.4, 'Sunny'=> 0.6},
              my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new();

            The transition hash can be 'sparse': it is sufficient to include
            only known transitions between states. See method

            Returns the transition probabilities.

            This method calculates the forward probability, the Viterbi path
            and the Viterbi probability of a given sequence of observations.
            For a detailed description of the Algorithm, see the Wikipedia
            page .

            The difference with the algorithm described in the web page
            above, is that the emission and the transition are calculated
            somewhat differently. See methods get_emission and


              use strict;
              use Algorithm::Viterbi;
              use Data::Dumper;

              my $observations = [ 'walk', 'shop', 'clean' ];
               my $start = { 'Rainy'=> 0.6, 'Sunny'=> 0.4 };
               my $transition = {
                  'Rainy' => {'Rainy'=> 0.7, 'Sunny'=> 0.3},
                  'Sunny' => {'Rainy'=> 0.4, 'Sunny'=> 0.6},

              my $emission = {
                'shop' => {
                  'Sunny' => '0.3',
                  'Rainy' => '0.4',

                'walk' => {
                  'Sunny' => '0.6',
                  'Rainy' => '0.1'
                'clean' => {
                  'Sunny' => '0.1',
                  'Rainy' => '0.5'

              my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new();

              print Dumper ($v->forward_viterbi($observations));


              $VAR1 = '0.033612';
              $VAR2 = [
              $VAR3 = '0.009408';

            Usage: $v->get_emission($observation, $state);

            Returns the emission probability for a given observation and
            state. This method is primarily for internal usage and is called
            by the forward_viterbi method.

            The dictionary consists of the keys of the emission table, e.g.
            a list of known observations.

            If $observation is a known observation in the dictionary and
            $state exists as a state for the observation in the emission
            table, then return the probability associated with $observation
            and $state.

            If the observation exists in the dictionary, but $state is a
            state not connected to the observation, then return 0.

            If the observation does not exist in the dictionary and
            $v->{unknown_emission_prob} is defined, then return
            $v->{unknown_emission_prob}. Setting $v->{unknown_emission_prob}
            = 1 actually means that you are returning all possible states
            for an unknown observation.

            If the observation is unknown in the dictionary and
            $v->{unknown_emission_prob} is not defined, then return the
            start probability of $state.


              my $emission = {
                'shop' => {
                            'Sunny' => '0.3',
                            'Rainy' => '0.4'
                'swim' => {
                            'Sunny' => '0.1'
                'walk' => {
                            'Sunny' => '0.5',
                            'Rainy' => '0.1'
                'clean' => {
                             'Sunny' => '0.1',
                             'Rainy' => '0.5'

              my $start = { 'Rainy'=> 0.6, 'Sunny'=> 0.4 };

              my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new();
              my $e;
              $e = get_emission('shop', 'Rainy'); # $e = 0.4
              $e = get_emission('swim', 'Rainy'); # $e = 0
              $e = get_emission('hack', 'Rainy'); # $e = 0.6
              $v->{unknown_emission_prob} = 1;
              $e = get_emission('hack', 'Rainy'); # $e = 1

            Usage: $v->get_transition($state, $next_state);

            Returns the transition probability between a state and the next
            state. This method is primarily for internal usage and is called
            by the forward_viterbi method.

            If the transition between $state and $next_state is defined,
            then return the probability associated with it.

            If the transition between $state and $next_state does not exist,
            then return the value of $v->unknown_transition_prob, which will
            be 0 unless otherwise defined. Setting this attribute to a very
            small value allows you to still obtain a Viterbi path, although
            no suitable transitions were found between states of a given


                use Algorithm::Viterbi;

                my $observations = [ 'walk', 'shop', 'read' ];

                my $start = { 'Rainy'=> 0.5, 'Sunny'=> 0.4, 'Stormy'=> 0.1 };

                my $transition = {
                   'Rainy' => {'Rainy'=> 0.7, 'Sunny'=> 0.3},
                   'Sunny' => {'Rainy'=> 0.4, 'Sunny'=> 0.5, 'Stormy'=>.1},

                my $emission = {
                  'shop' => {
                              'Sunny' => '0.4',
                              'Rainy' => '0.9'
                  'read' => {
                              'Stormy' => '1'
                  'walk' => {
                              'Sunny' => '0.6',
                              'Rainy' => '0.1'

                my $v = Algorithm::Viterbi->new();

                my ($prob, $v_path, $v_prob) = $v->forward_viterbi($observations); 
                  # returns 0, [], 0

                $v->{unknown_transition_prob} = 1e-100;

                ($prob, $v_path, $v_prob) = $v->forward_viterbi($observations); 
                  # returns 1.62e-102, ['Sunny', 'Sunny', 'Stormy', 'Stormy' ], 4.8e-103;

            Koen Dejonghe Copyright (c) 2006 Koen
            Dejonghe. All rights reserved. This program is free software;
            you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
            Perl itself.

            Version 0.01 (2006-Nov-07)
