文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
20130502214451,, -- android: major update from latest android-- frameworks: fix keyboard problem in ldpi/mdpi when using PIE-- frameworks: make PIE configurable like Navbar-- frameworks: Pie will disable if keyboard showUp, use Your BackButt xD-- frameworks: Playing with Memory management-- frameworks: Stop KILLING our system-- frameworks: why weather tile always has bug?-- frameworks: fix breakage-- frameworks: better handling pop up message-- frameworks: some touch in pie xD-- frameworks: quick fix for weather problem-- frameworks: cleanup code-- frameworks: fix delete contact in sim-- frameworks: revert commit that disable pie while keyboard showup-- frameworks: Allow user to expand statusbar or using PIE while lockscreen active backport from ics (part2)-- frameworks: some fix for statusbar above keyguard-- frameworks: initial convert systemUI GB into JB (part 1)-- CMParts: make PIE configurable like Navbar :P-- CMParts: stop showing dialog if still exist-- CMParts: cleanup-- Phone: fix export contacts to simcard,401eaff302674b6f8b769aeba3463dab,,104.7
