资源说明:A jQuery plugin that allows to validate HTML forms which are using the Twitter Boostrap form markup.
jQuery.onmValidate plugin =================== Created by Fran Dieguez (http://mabishu.com / http://openhost.es) Released under the MIT license. More information at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT jQuery.onmValidate is a jQuery plugin that allows to validate HTML forms which are using the Twitter Boostrap (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/base-css.html#forms) form markup. As the underlying Form validator this plugin uses the jQuery Tools Form component (http://jquerytools.org/documentation/validator/index.html). Usage ------------------- ```javascript $('#form').onmValidate(); ``` ```html``` #### Multilanguage If you have multiple languages enabled in jQuery Tools Validator plugin. You can specify the language within this plugin. ```javascript $('#form').onmValidate({ 'lang' : 'gl' }); ``` Examples -------- You can find more examples inside the examples/ folder.