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资源说明:e-cidadania set of tools for automating some functions like documentation, i18n catalogs, nightlies creation, etc.
e-cidadania toolset

**Version:** *0.1 alpha*

e-cidadania toolset is a set of tools for automating some tasks like
documentation, nightlies, i18n catalogs, etc.

*This toolset is still on development, since most of the tools are scattered through the e-cidadania repositories. We recommend people to use the integrated
scripts in e-cidadania while we port them here.*

*This toolset is preconfigured for e-cidadania, but it's easy to modify to work with other django projects, take a look to the documentation below.*


- downloader.py: 100% - PASSED
- make_nightlies: 100% - PASSED
- make_docs: 80% - NOT TESTED
- make_i18n: 0% - NOT TESTED


Defaults: branch: master, vcs: git

This tool downloads the source code from a list of specified repositories in the variable "*repos*". If it fails, it will try to download from another one on the list. It also can download a specific branch. Default: master.


This script is meant to be run with cron, it calls the downloader script, after that removes the git log and packs the source code in a tar.gz before copying it to the destination set at config.NIGHTLY_DIR.


Supports: sphinx

It only works for multilanguage sphinx documentation.

This script gets a copy of the source code with *downloader.py* and compiles the documentation for every language specified in three formats: PDF, LaTeX and HTML. It also packs the LaTeX docs inside a tar.gz.


This script scans all your django applications in search of translation catalogs and generates/compiles/updates them automatically. You need to have some specific settings in you django project.

Setting things up

You need to split up the django applications or third party applications from you own applications, like this:



