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# CCLS Sequencing

This is simply a collection of notes and scripts.
And now, other developer's source code.

[RINS Package](

Eventually, I'd prefer to understand exactly what RINS and the
collection of apps that it uses does and then replicate in ruby
with testing.  RINS includes some examples, but none have
worked for me, so far.

	Parameters have changed.  
	Databases are corrupt.
	Executables are seg faulting.
	Processing "chopped" files finds nothing.
	Parafly java crashes...
	 	( removed --compatible_path_extension)
	blastn output changed?
		modified and

I have begun including source code and making modifications to allow
for the complete install of Blat, Blast, Bowtie, Bowtie2, Trinity and RINS
from this repository.  It should be clearly noted that the aforementioned
software packages ARE NOT MINE and belong to those that wrote them.

I created the root Makefile to control the making and installing of these 
packages on MY MACHINE (Mac Pro 10.6.8) and so far this works.
Used GCC 421

( No longer including Trinity. Installation of it is straight forward. )
( No longer including Blast. Installation of it is straight forward. )
( No longer including Blat. Now part of Kent Utils and installation of it is straight forward. )
( No longer including Bowtie. Latest version is a MacPort. )

[RINS Package]( 
Not including the virus index.

[RINS Data (not included)](

[BLAST 2.2.27]( 
( 'make'ing this generates about 4000 additional files.  Odd. )
[Blat 34]( 

[Blat 35]( 

[Bowtie 0.12.8 and Bowtie 2.0.0 beta 7](

[Trinity 2012-06-08]( 
Not including the ~50MB of sample data

[Trinity 2012-10-05]( 
Not including the ~50MB of sample data

[BWA 0.6.2](

[PRICE 20120527](









## Indexes Used

Manually downloaded, but then for some reason couldn't actually use?

So used update\ to get them --decompress nt --decompress nr

This will download them to whereever you are so make sure you have ~50GB of space!
	twoBitToFa hg19.2bit hg19.fa
	#       generate ebwt files
	bowtie-build hg19.fa hg19

The big rins.tar.gz includes hg18 and virus

## General modifications

Changed all perl scripts she-bang to use environment selected perl.
Blat doesn't have any perl, so this was just Bowtie, Bowtie2, Blast and Trinity.

	From ...


	... to ...

		#!/usr/bin/env perl

## Included BLAT 34 modifications required for me to compile

	    ... changed to ...
	  errAbort("%s", buf);

	    ... changed to ...

	    ... changed to ...
	  warn("%s", errCatch->message->string);

## Trinity 2012-06-08 modifications ( scripts to be copied in via Makefile )

SAM\_filter\_out\_unmapped\ was modified due to some test
data triggering a divide by zero error.

Add an empty target to a
I doesn't seem needed on my Mac Pro, just my MacBook Pro? 
Different version of make? XCode?

	> trinityrnaseq_r2012-06-08/trinity-plugins/jellyfish-1.1.5/ 

		#      this is just an empty placeholder

In addition, I think that the latest Trinity and its changes are responsible for
the contig naming changes.  Its output file, Trinity.fasta, is just the short name 


versus the long name style in the examples 


This difference has led to the modifications of the parsing in 2 of the scripts
and I think that that is causing some problems.

This also effected the write\ script in another place.  The sequences
weren't included due to this change in name.  The hash then didn't contain any
matching keys.

Also, many of these scripts seem to expect a "standard" sequence name style
of having a trailing /1 or /2 for the respective left and right lanes.
Our data is not like this.  

### TODO 
  Is this really a standard?  Change our sequence names or modify all of the scripts to work with both style?

## RINS modifications ( scripts to be copied in via Makefile )

Modified for several reasons.  One major change is to the parameters
passed to Trinity.  It appears that this was written for trinityrnaseq-r20110519.

	Removed ...

		--run_butterfly : no longer needed (or allowed) as is default

		--compatible_path_extension : triggers java exception as is invalid
			Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
				at gnu.getopt.Getopt.checkLongOption(
				at gnu.getopt.Getopt.getopt(
				at TransAssembly_allProbPaths.main(
			Not valid since trinityrnaseq-r20110519
			( Butterfly/src/src/ )

	Changed ...

		--paired_fragment_length changed to --group_pairs_distance
			Although I don't know that that was the right thing to do.

	Added ...

		--JM 1G : or some size
			10G caused a lot of disk activity as I don't have 10G of memory.
			Downsized to 1G and the test_sample run was done in 20 minutes vs 12 hours!

Some file checking as been added.  Many defaults are also now set and are
unnecessary at the command line or in the config file.

Modified blastn\ and write\ as the parsing no longer works.
It appears that the field content has changed?


Requirements may include libpng, coreutils, texlive
	sudo port install autoconf automake libpng coreutils texlive

	make install

This will create ~/RINS\_BASE with all of the scripts and binaries in it.
You will need to modify your PATH to include this.  Feel free to rename it.

setenv PATH ${HOME}/RINS\_BASE/bin:${PATH}

### TODO

Make FASTA copies of our FASTQ data and use it to avoid all the copying and converting.

### TODO

blat can run for quite a long time without ever producing any output.
Make it more verbose. ( using -dots=10000 is helpfulish )

### TODO

Add testing.

### TODO

Merged PathSeq fasta files for all\_bacterial and virus\_all
Blat can't use it as it is too big (>4GB).
Using it to create a blastdb

	makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in all_bacterial_and_viral.fa -out all_bacterial_and_viral -title all_bacterial_and_viral -parse_seqids

Having trouble. Generated db isn't searchable.  Think I need the parse seqids option...
Yes.  -parse\_seqids is really needed when creating from a fasta file.
Otherwise, new ones are made up which serves no purpose.

### NOTE

Always use -parse\_seqids option when making a blastdb from a fasta file.
Otherwise the sequence names in the fasta file are not used and
new ones are made up.

	makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -in fallon_unknown_non_human.fasta -out fallon_unknown_non_human -title fallon_unknown_non_human -parse_seqids

### NOTE

How to dump a blast database into a fasta file...

	blastdbcmd -db SOMEBLASTDB -entry all > MYNEWFASTAFILE

	blastdbcmd -db nt -entry all -outfmt '%a,%g,%T' -out nt.accession_gi_taxid.csv

The sequence titles contain nearly every character from commas to colons, so I'm using a special character to delineate the fields.  "option 8" on a Mac produces a simple dot which does not appear to be used in any of the 50 million or so sequence titles, although for what I'm doing with the file, it is unnecessary.  I may use this to create a list of gi numbers to not include in blastn output by using the -negative\_gilist.  (using the dot seemed to anger the terminal? perhaps don't use.)

	blastdbcmd -db nt -entry all -outfmt '%a•%g•%t' -out nt.accession_gi_title.csv

### TODO

Bowtie2 won't run on my MacPro

	Executing ...
	bowtie2 -p 6 -f /Volumes/cube/working/indexes/hg19 leftlane_not_hg18.fa -S leftlane_not_hg18_hg19.sam --un leftlane_not_hg18_hg19.fa
	bowtie2-align(20745) malloc: *** mmap(size=965771264) failed (error code=12)
	*** error: can't allocate region
	*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
	Out of memory allocating the ebwt[] array for the Bowtie index.  Please try
	again on a computer with more memory.
	Error: Encountered internal Bowtie 2 exception (#1)
	Command: /Users/jakewendt/RINS_BASE/bin/bowtie2-align --wrapper basic-0 -p 6 -f --passthrough /Volumes/cube/working/indexes/hg19 leftlane_not_hg18.fa 

I downloaded the mac binaries and they run fine.  


Some scripts have the expectation of a trailing lane identifier (either /1 or /2)
Our data is not like this.  It will have something like "\_1:Y:0:CGTACG"
To replace our special lane identifier with the "standard" try something like ...

	cat leftlane.fa | sed 's/_([12]).*$/\/\1/' > relaned.fa 

The underscore is added by the script so if using fastq try ...

	cat leftlane.fq | sed 's/ ([12]).*$/\/\1/' > relaned.fq

In addition, some scripts, samtools in particular, REQUIRE that the sequence
names DO NOT begin with an @ symbol.

	cat raw.fa | sed 's/^>@/>/' > renamed.fa

These @ symbols are being left behind by RINS' script

The problem with both of these problems is that they happen quietly in the night.

Trinity's Chrysalis complains about the lane names too.

	warning, ignoring read: HWI-ST977:132:C09W8ACXX:7:1101:10003:190695_2:N:0:GTGGCC since cannot decipher if /1 or /2 of a pair.
	Use of uninitialized value $core_acc in string ne at line 64, <$fh> line 1.
	Use of uninitialized value $frag_end in hash element at line 71, <$fh> line 1.

### TODO

Can't make trinity r2012-10-05 on my MacPro or Steve's
It will generate many, seemingly random, ...

	/bin/sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

Solution.  Well, not quite.  These failures appear to occur during the compilation
of the coreutils.  The script actually deals with the failed compilation so
this newer script is not required.  However, Chrysalis has a path hard coded in its 
code so it is expecting a sort command in trinity-plugins/coreutils/bin.
The sole purpose is to allow or deal with a sort command which can do so --parallel.  
sudo port install coreutils will install the same, newer actually, however it
will be gsort.  The contents of /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/ will contain links 
to these "g" utils.  We could install this port, and manually copy gsort to
our path and then this script will notice it and not run the part
that will fail.

### TODO

Change all of the perl shebang lines to "/usr/bin/env perl"

### TODO

Try bwa?

### TODO

Try some other assemblers ....



	I compiled and ran this.  Seemed to work, but was taking forever
	so it was killed.  Perhaps give it another go on a big machine.
	(  have "ray" and "RayPlatform" parallel.
	  "ray" has a link to this expected location of "RayPlatform". )

	If it works, add them to our repo as a submodule ...
	git submodule add
	git submodule add

	submodules suck.  They get "dirty" and would need cleaned before commit
	just going to download the code locally.


	Downloaded and untarred source code

		./configure --prefix=/Users/jakewendt/RINS_BASE 

		failed as needed bamlib

		sudo port install samtools 

		configure ran but don't think that it is the latest bamlib


		failed as no Eigen

		Downloaded Eigen.  Unbzipped.  Untarred.  Copied Eigen to include

		cp -r Eigen ~/RINS_BASE/include/

		had to reconfigure with 

		./configure --prefix=/Users/jakewendt/RINS_BASE --with-eigen=/Users/jakewendt/RINS_BASE

		working ....

		make install
		cufflinks ./test_data.sam

### Notable Links for Reference

I was researching filtering and repeat masking ...

Even looked into creating a megablast index

Copyright (c) 2012 [Jake Wendt], released under the MIT license
