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资源说明:Mongoose ACL


var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var acl = require('mongoose-acl');

var WidgetSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ ... });

var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ ... });

The plugin adds accessor methods to the object for getting and setting permissions of a particular key:

var widget = new Widget({ ... });

widget.setAccess('foo', ['a', 'b']);
widget.getAccess('foo'); // => ['a', 'b']

Or getting all keys with given permissions:

widget.keysWithAccess(['a']); // => ['foo']

There are also convenience methods added to the subject for getting and setting the permissions for a given object:

var user = ...;

user.setAccess(widget, ['read', 'write', 'delete']);
user.getAccess(widget); // => ['read', 'write', 'delete']

We can query for all objects to which a particular subject has access:

Widget.withAccess(user, ['read']).exec(function(err, widgets) {


### Object

We can specify the path in which the ACL will be stored (by default it will be available at `_acl`):

WidgetSchema.plugin(acl.object, {
    path: '_acl'

### Subject

Each subject is referred to in an ACL by a unique key (by default it is of the form `subject:`).  This can be customized by specifying a `key` option:

UserSchema.plugin(acl.subject, {
    key: function() {
        return 'user:' + this._id;

We can also specify additional ACL keys to which a subject has access.  For example, suppose a user optionally belongs to a number of roles:

UserSchema.plugin(acl.subject, {
    additionalKeys: function() {
        return {
            return 'role:' + role;

There is one special key referred to as the public key.  If set, the associated permissions will apply to all subjects:

UserSchema.plugin(acl.subject, {
    public: '*'

### Hybrid

Combines `subject` and `object` so that a subject can determine if it has permissions on itself or another "subject". `getAccess` and `setAccess` methods on the subject are renamed as `getSubjectAccess` and `setSubjectAccess`, respectively. All other options/methods remain the same. Explicitly:

subject.getAccess --> hybrid.getSubjectAccess
subject.setAccess --> hybrid.setSubjectAccess


var user = ...;

user.setAccess('*', ['read']);
user.setSubjectAccess(user, ['write', 'delete']);


npm install mongoose-acl


npm test
