资源说明:Stock Portfolio Analysis using ystockquote
Stock Market Portfolio - Spring 2011 --- #### Stock Portfolio Analysis using ystockquote Wrapper for Corey Goldberg's `ystockquote.py` module. Gets various properties; closing price, adjusted close, highest price etc. in a given time interval. `markowitz.m` builds Markowitz's matrix and mean matrix in order to analyze if portfolio is good. It could also visualize volume and percent change of a stock in a scatter plot: ![Alt text](https://raw.github.com/bugra/Stock-Portfolio/master/img/google_stock.png "Google's 01/01/2010 - 31/08/2012") It could do Gaussian Hidden Markov Analysis(with using Scikitlearn) and plots closing price in different hidden states with respect to its volume: ![Alt text](https://raw.github.com/bugra/Stock-Portfolio/master/img/gaussian_hmm_closing_volume.png "Google's Closing Price with respect to volume(hidden states are color-coded) 10/29/2010, 10/29/2012")