资源说明:Scrapy middleware for building historical S3 cache for crawled web resources.
scrapy-history-middleware ========================= The history middleware is designed to create a permanent record of the raw requests and responses generated as scrapy crawls the web. It also functions as a drop-in replacement for the builtin scrapy httpcache middleware (`scrapy.contrib.downloadermiddleware.httpcache.HttpCacheMiddleware`). For example: ```python DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'history.middleware.HistoryMiddleware': 901 # Right after HttpCacheMiddleware } EPOCH = True HISTORY = { 'STORE_IF' : 'history.logic.StoreAlways', 'RETRIEVE_IF': 'history.logic.RetrieveAlways', 'BACKEND' : 'history.storage.S3CacheStorage', 'S3_ACCESS_KEY': {{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}, 'S3_SECRET_KEY': {{ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}, 'S3_BUCKET' : {{ S3_BUCKET }}, 'USE_PROXY' : True, } ``` Will store and retrieve responses exactly as you expect. However, even if multiple developers are working on the same spider, the spidered website will only ever see one request (so long as they all use the same S3 bucket). Scrapy introduced the `DbmCacheStorage` backend in version 0.13. In principle this is capable of interfacing with S3, but the history middleware is still necessary as it provides versioning capability. ## Requirements To run the middleware: * `parsedatetime` * `boto`. If using the S3 storage backend. Testing: * `nose` * `nose-cov` * `coverage` ## Config The history middleware is designed to play well with the httpcache middleware. As such, the default logic modules use `HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_MISSING`, `HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_SCHEMES`, and `HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_HTTP_CODES`, and responses will not be stored if they are flagged as having returned from the cache storage. The middleware also requires two other settings: `EPOCH` and `HISTORY`. ### Epoch Usage: EPOCH can either be defined in `settings.py`, `local_settings.py`, or on the command line, eg.,: ```bash $ scrapy crawl {{ spider }} --set="EPOCH=yesterday" ``` Note that scrapy will choose the value in local_settings.py over the command line. Possible values: * `True`: The middleware will always try to retrieve the most recently stored version of a url, subject to the logic in `RETRIEVE_IF`. * `False` (default): The middleware won't ever try to retrieve stored responses. * `{{ string }}`: The middleware will attempt to generate a datetime using the heuristics of the [parsedatetime](http://code.google.com/p/parsedatetime/) module. The retrieved response will either be newer than `EPOCH`, or the most recently stored response. ### History A dictionary containing: * `STORE_IF`: (default `history.logic.StoreAlways`) Path to a callable that accepts the current spider, request, and response as arguments and returns `True` if the response should be stored, or `False` otherwise. * `RETRIEVE_IF`: (default `history.logic.RetrieveNever`) Path to a callable that accepts the current spider and request as arguments and returns `True` if the response should be retrieved from the storage backend, or `False` otherwise. * `BACKEND`: (default `history.storage.S3CacheStorage`) The storage backend. * `S3_ACCESS_KEY`: Required if using `S3CacheStorage`. * `S3_BUCKET_KEY`: Required if using `S3CacheStorage`. * `S3_BUCKET`: Required if using `S3CacheStorage`.