文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:CSS framework for creating fluid layouts. Supports 100-percent (step of 5%), 12, 16 column layouts
##Page layout
Basic empty page must contain this layout:

``` ###`.body` It is whole page canvas, uses all viewport space. Can be used for page background, you can specify page part adding `.body-header`, `.body-middle`, `.body-anythingblablabla` extended classes. > Meanwhile `.body` canvas adds left and right page paddings, for comfortable reading. Page don't have to occupy browser window without reading margins, text reading becoming easier. Note that even nested `.body` containers will keep same side paddings, it useful for compound backgrounds. ###`.wrap` Used as content container, centered horizontally and having content width limit. It is useful to manage page width (minimum and maximum) if it built with numerous `.wrap` blocks: ```html
... ``` [See this example at jsFiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/velosipedistorg/j6UK6/) Then we shall mark-up `.wrap` blocks with columns. ##Columns Class `.c` marks node as floating column, without width specification. Classes beginning with `.w-` is width-modifiers, sets percentage with 5% step. `.w-15` sets 15% width to anything. > I said **anything** - it means not only columns can be fit do grid-based design. It is very common case, when we need to specify width to non-floated div, or `.inset` (read forward), or even text input. That is big advantage of splitting _width_ and _"columnizing"_ properties. Also we have 12-column and 16-column grids, for "large" layout needs, and for compatibility with [960.gs](//960.gs) ###Gutters Classes `.-c, .-c-, .c-` is used inside of column or just any container to specify column gutter. `.clear` class used to "fix" floating elements heights, it has to be placed at the end of columns set. We can also use `.clearfix` class added to columns parent node if present. Now we can build example layout. Both column sets will give [same result](http://jsfiddle.net/velosipedistorg/j6UK6/1/): ```html
Left column, gutter only on right
Here we can place any content, it will be separated with gutters both on left & right sides.
Right column, gutter only on left. Pretty narrow, huh :)
Left column, gutter only on right
Here we can place any content, it will be separated with gutters both on left & right sides.
Right column, gutter only on left. Pretty narrow, huh :)
