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资源说明:A mac statusbar hud for launching and closing murmur in terminal. Very simple. Uses MAAttachedWindow class.

A mac statusbar hud for launching and closing murmur in terminal. Very simple. Uses MAAttachedWindow class.

Using applescripts to communicate with the terminal app for doing shell scripts. Runs as an NSUIElement application so no dock bar icons to be seen.

Built this because I got tired of pasting the command to launch Murmur Servers into terminal.


About murmur and MurmurHud
Murmur is the server side application for Mumble voice over

On a mac the murmur application is built into the app package. So you need to download mumble for mac either of the versions regular or x11. They tell you to run a command in terminal in the readme but this is were the MurmurHud I put together can do that stuff for you saving you time typing or pasting. Also you can close the terminal and cancel the murmur process from the hud. The Hud has a close application button for exiting and closing its process. No dockbar icon is shown for this application. 

Running Murmur

Installing Mumble
