资源说明:SDL binding for OCaml
sdlcaml ======= SDL binding for OCaml. This library needs other libraries to build where your works: - OMake Better build system as compatible for make, created by OCaml. - SDL1.2 SDL Library. The sdlcaml only support 1.2.*, not 1.3.* or higher. - ocamlfind Very useful library when build ocaml program/library. - xml-light A light weight library to parse xml. must to need. follow libraries are optional. - SDL_mixer Mixer library for SDL. - SDL_image Image loading library for SDL. - SDL_ttf Library to use TTF for SDL. However, building sdlcaml is very difficult... . If you cound not build this, please use compiled-library instead of it. build ===== You are already preparing to build this library, To do build process accordance with follows. 1. enter to directory where you decompress archive. 2. type `omake' or `omake all' 3. build successful if there are not any error messages on console. 4. type `sudo omake install', then install library and all files to use with ocamlfind. Another, type `omake doc' if you want to get documents of Sdlcaml.