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资源说明:IDentify EPItopes
# IDentify EPItopes (IDEPI)

IDEPI is a domain-specific and extensible software library for supervised
learning of models that relate genotype to phenotype for HIV-1 and other
organisms.  IDEPI makes use of open source libraries for machine learning
(scikit- learn,, sequence alignment (HMMER,, sequence manipulation (BioPython,, and
parallelization (joblib,, and provides a programming
interface to allow the users to engineer sequence features and select machine
learning algorithms appropriate for their application.

For more information, a corresponding paper is located at 

##Using IDEPI

Please look inside the [examples](/examples) directory for examples on how
to use IDEPI to learn and apply phenotype prediction models based on viral
sequences and to identify most predictive features of viral genomes.


Because some of the dependencies of IDEPI (see below) can be somewhat tricky to
install, we've created a virtual machine based on Ubuntu 13. It includes a
complete preconfigured python environment for use with IDEPI and can be
downloaded from [](

> Please note that this VM file is ~2GB in size and may take a bit of 
> time to download

Virtual Machine Credentials : 
- user: user
- password: reverse

To use the virtual machine:

- Decompress the downloaded file and take note of the file path on the host system
- Open VirtualBox (which can be downloaded from )
- Create a new virtual machine
- Enter a desired name, select 'Linux' as your operating system type, and 'Ubuntu(64 bit)' as your version.
- Select the desired memory size
- When prompted for hard drive options, please select *Use an existing virtual hard drive file* and navigate to the idepi-vm.vdi file that you have just downloaded and decompressed.
- When the machine has started, double-click the _idepi_ launcher on the desktop

> A Python virtual environment was used to create the IDEPI environment on the
> virtual machine. The root directory of the Python virtual environment is
> /home/user/Programming/env/


- Python 3.3
- BioPython (>=1.58), 
- BioExt (>=0.14.0), 
- hppy (>=0.9.5), 
- sklrmmr (>=0.2.0), 
- NumPy, 
- SciPy, 
- six, 
- HMMer, 
- sklearn (>=0.14.0),  
