文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Game recommendation engine + online shop for CCNY Software Engineering course

How to use

**Live Demo**: (

**Local Demo**:

1. Install Node.js 0.8.x and MongoDB 2.x.
2. Inside project folder type `npm install`
3. Run `node server.js` command
4. Open the browser at the following URL: `http://localhost:3000`

*Note*: Local demo still requires an internet connect because our game database is located on ****.

To access admin dashboard use the following account:

- `username: syalkabov762`
- `password: password`

Project Structure

- **server.js** - main file that contains application logic, routes, database schema.
- **views/jade files** - view templates (sort of like HTML files)
- **public/css** - stylesheets folder
- **public/img** - images folder
- **public/js** - javascripts folder
- **screenshots** - screenshots of the web application

1. **node.js** - application server
2. **express** - web framework for node.js
3. **mongoose** - mongodb object document mapper
4. **bcrypt** - cryptography library
5. **redis-store** - storing sessions in redis database
6. **request** - used for initiating requests to parse the website
7. **jsdom** - used to parse a website
8. **underscore.js** - utility functions for javascript
9. **underscore.strin** - utility functions for javaScript strings
10. **emailjs** = sends e-mail via a designated SMTP server

1. JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 12
2. GitHub

Design and Front-end
1. **Bootstrap** - css framework by Twitter (
2. **Jade** - server-side templating language (
4. **Credit Card Icons** - (
5. **jQuery Raty** - star ratings (
6. **Game information** - parsed from and
7. **jquery.validate** - client-side input validation (
8. **jquery.meow** - javascript notifications when rating a game (
9. **humane.js** - javascript notifications when buying a game (


Input validation on client-side and server-side


Nice alert message on login screen if registration has been successful

![Registration Successful](

Profile view. Note the | Sign Out links instead of Login | Create Account


Game ratings retrieved from the database and displayed next to the game title


Xbox Live Achievements and User information for those who have a Gamertag


Recommendation Engine for registered users
