资源说明:Chromium/Google Chrome extension which provides gamepad control for the web browser.
Chromium/Google Chrome extension for controlling the browser with a gamepad or a NUI device Written by Leszek GodlewskiProject for the Embedded Multimedia Systems course at the Silesian University of Technology The NUI plugin uses FireBreath and is more of a doodle (written as a university assignment) than a solid example of a NUI implementation. If you want something more reliable, you should check DepthJS out: http://depthjs.media.mit.edu/ Crosshairs Pack for Red Eclipse by fluxord http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=1471 Xbox 360 Elite Joypad Icon by Svengraph http://svengraph.deviantart.com/art/Xbox-360-Elite-Joypad-Icon-143599757