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资源说明:Example firmware and board files for the OpenSegment displays
OpenSegment Serial Display

*OpenSegment Serial Display (Yellow) (COM-11645)*](

OpenSegment is a ATmega328 based backpack for larger 7-segment displays. The ATmega receives data over digital interfaces (such as TWI, UART, SPI and buttons) and does all the PWM and upkeep of the display. 

Larger 7-segment displays pull more power than a microcontroller is able to drive directly. OpenSegment has 8 PNP and 4 NPN transistors in order to drive the segments at their maximum brightness.

* Standard FTDI connection
* Arduino Pro Mini @ 8MHz bootloader
* 5V functionality

This part was created in Eagle 6.3

Repository Contents
* **/Hardware** - All Eagle design files and 3D files(.brd, .sch,)
* **/Production** - Test bed files and production panel files
* **Note:** Firmware is not included in this repo. Please see the [Serial7SegmentDisplay repo]( for the firmware. 

Product Versions
* [COM-11644]( Red display
* [COM-11645]( - Yellow display
* [COM-11646]( - Green display
* [COM-11647]( - Blue display
* [COM-11648]( - White display

License Information
The hardware is released under [Creative Commons Share-alike 3.0](  
