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资源说明:A jQuery plugin for draggable background images.
# Draggable Background

A jQuery plugin to make background images draggable.

**NOTE:** I don't plan to maintain this library anymore since I've moved on
from jQuery. There seems to be requests for supporting different options
for background-size or different units for background-position. After looking
at the css spec for these properties, it seems unmaintainable to support every
possible configuration, so I would encourage you to fork this and shape it to
your specific needs.

## Configuration
Option Type Known Values Default Value Description
bound Boolean true|false true Whether dragging is bounded by the edges of the image.
axis String x|y If specified, restrict dragging along x or y axis.
done Function Called when dragging is stopped by mouseup, touchup, or mouseleave.
## Usage ```js // default options $('div').backgroundDraggable(); // only draggable in the x direction, and dragging is not bounded by the image $('div').backgroundDraggable({ bound: false, axis: 'x' }); // disable draggable background $('div').backgroundDraggable('disable'); // callback when drag complete $('div').backgroundDraggable({ done: function() { backgroundPosition = $('div').css('background-position'); console.log(backgroundPosition); } }); ``` ## Demo http://kentor.github.com/jquery-draggable-background/ ## Support IE9+. Only `background-size` value of `auto` (default) and `cover` are supported. `background-position` must be absolute pixels. There will be bugs if you use `center` for percentages. ## Changelog v1.2.3 [2014-10-17] - Fixed child elements of element with background dragging calling `preventDefault` (7f17318). - Improved behavior of dragging, especially when mouse up happens outside the window (d1fdbe4). v1.2.2 [2014-09-01] - Added support for a callback when dragging is finished. v1.2.1 [2014-08-01] - Added support for disabling plugin v1.2 [2014-06-06] - Refactored code to use semicolons. - Support for `background-size: cover`. v1.1 [2013-05-19] - Touch support. v1.0 [2012-09-23] - Initial release. ## License Copyright (c) 2014 Kenneth Chung Licensed under the [MIT](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license.
