资源说明:Silex ACL Demo
Silex ACL Demo ============== This is a demo of Symfony's ACL using Silex. I've tried to annotate the services in `app/bootstrap.php`, but to be honest, I originally reverse engineered the symfony full stack frameworks DI configuration without fully understanding what everything does, still don't! Usage ------------ ``` > git clone git@github.com:davedevelopment/silex-acl-demo.git > cd silex-acl-demo > composer.phar install > bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create > bin/create_acl_tables.php > php -S localhost:4444 web/index.php ``` Windows instructions -------------------- In windows, "composer install" could take a long time to execute and no messages are printed in console. Just be patient. ``` git clone https://github.com/davedevelopment/silex-acl-demo.git cd silex-acl-demo composer install php bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create php bin/create_acl_tables.php php -S localhost:4444 web/index.php ``` There are 3 users configured admin, davem and benr, all with `foo` as the password. The admin user should have permissions to delete messages created by all users as they have the ADMIN_ROLE, whereas the other users should only be allowed to delete the messages where they are the owner.