资源说明:An OpenSearch client in JavaScript
# OpenSearchlight A JavaScript OpenSearch client that configures itself around an OpenSearch Description Document, making queries against OpenSearch services a little easier from JS clients. ## Download Download the [minified version][min] or the [development version][max]. [min]: https://raw.github.com/nsidc/OpenSearchlight/gh-pages/OpenSearchlight-0.4.0.min.js [max]: https://raw.github.com/nsidc/OpenSearchlight/gh-pages/OpenSearchlight-0.4.0.js ## Usage Assuming you're trying to use an OpenSearch service whose OSDD at http://www.example.com/opensearch?description contains the following: ```xml``` In your web page, the following code will retrieve search results for "steely", in ATOM format, starting at the second page with ten results per page: ```html ``` ## Documentation See the [annotated source][annotated_source]. [annotated_source]: http://nsidc.github.com/OpenSearchlight/ ## License OpenSearchlight is licensed under the MIT license. See [LICENSE.txt][license]. [license]: https://raw.github.com/nsidc/OpenSearchlight/master/LICENSE.txt ## Credit This software was developed by the National Snow and Ice Data Center, sponsored by National Science Foundation grant number OPP-10-16048. ## Release History * 0.4.0 * Added optional requestHeaders parameter to OpenSearchQuery * 0.3.0 * OSDD fetch will now call error callback on request failure. * 0.2.3 * Added an optional callback function in OpenSearchQuery API * 0.2.2 * Upgraded to Grunt 0.4 * 0.2.1 * Added a simpler API * Fixed a bug handling optional parameters * 0.1.2 * Fixed bug preventing empty optional parameters from being filled with empty string * Added Release Checklist to documentation * 0.1.1 * Documentation fixes * 0.1.0 * Initial release OpenSearchlight uses [semantic versioning][semver]. [semver]: http://semver.org/ ## Developer Notes Please don't edit files in the `dist` subdirectory as they are generated via grunt. You'll find source code in the `src` subdirectory! While grunt can run the included unit tests via PhantomJS, this shouldn't be considered a substitute for the real thing. Please be sure to test the `test/*.html` unit test file(s) in _actual_ browsers. ### Release Checklist * Make change to code * Update version number in `OpenSearchlight.pkg.json` * In `README.md` update version numbers in Download and Release History sections * Run `grunt` and ensure all tests pass (run `git submodule update --init` first) * Run `grunt docs` to generate updated source documentation * Run `test/*.html` in the browser and ensure all tests pass * Check changes in to Git master * Make changes to the `gh-pages` branch: * Add the new minified and development .js file * Update index.html (and docco.css if necessary) from `dist/docs/OpenSearchlight- Web Search Use Example.com to search the Web. .html` ### Install and Build _This assumes you have [node.js](http://nodejs.org/) and [npm](http://npmjs.org/) installed already._ 1. Ensure all git submodules have been retrieved: `git submodule update --init` 2. Test that grunt is installed globally by running `grunt --version` at the command-line. 3. If grunt isn't installed globally, run `npm install -g grunt-cli` to install the latest version. _You may need to run `sudo npm install -g grunt-cli`._ 4. From the root directory of this project, run `npm install` to install the project's dependencies. 5. Run `grunt` from the root directory to run the tests and build the packages and documentaion. ## How to contact NSIDC ### User Services and general information: Support: http://support.nsidc.org Email: nsidc@nsidc.org Phone: +1 303.492.6199 Fax: +1 303.492.2468 Mailing address: National Snow and Ice Data Center CIRES, 449 UCB University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0449 USA