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This project basically served as a launching point for me to learn ACL's in the cakephp framework. For all intensive purposes, this project is depreciated but servers to remind me of what I have accomplished in cake.


3 Hours Dungeon is a Gaming Community. The goal is to rapidly create portals for any given game or game genre by using this project as a base. Each portal will be tied together via a unified login system. Otherwise, portals will be independant from each other. Each will have seperated content databases which control not only the portal content, but user permissions per portal. All sites will stem from this project, and as such each will have the same base layout and functionality.


The website is developed using cakePHP 2.2 and uses MVC structure and cakePHP conventions.

Languages currently being used: PHP, Javascript/JQuery
Database: MySQL
Server: Debian Linux Apache

Planned Outcomes:

The ideal outcome is to have this project become the base for new portals via cakePHP's plugin mechanism. Once completed, new sites will stem from this base where the base itself is the plugin and the additional site features are added in the standard cake/app layer.

This project should include the essentials for each site and is being developed in the order as follows:

1.  Global User Login
3.  Local User Permissions
4.  Global User Profiles
5.  Local User Profiles (as an extenstion of the global profile)
6.  Global User Messaging
7.  Local Articles
8.  Global Forum
9.  Local Forum
10. Global Streaming (Developed as a seperate plugin from the base project, but all sites should include this).

About Me and the Project:

I'm a full-time busisness student and part time RPhT/CPhT. Web design and development is my personal hobby though I've been doing it longer than anything else in my life. This project is not only being developed to support what will hopefully be an awesome gaming community, but is also a chance for me to learn more about programming in general. I hope to eventually find myself somewhere between managing a business (mine or otherwise) and actively learning to and continuing to develope web software. Since I'm otherwise occupied, this project is being developed on an "as I can" basis.

I'm entirely self taught in the programming arena. As such, I expect there are many aspects of this project that will require review and revision. This is OK with me as long as I learn in the process. Thanks for checking out 3HD and for helping me learn!

