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资源说明:Block-based model simulation engine

A Graphical C++ & Python based model simulation engine

By Kevin Cuzner

At the moment this is less of a readme and more of a place for me to write
down my ideas and details on how this works. Later these details will be moved
to documentation.


Owing to the lack of variety in open souce model simulation, it was decided to
create this simulation engine. The engine operates under the following

A Model is the basic container for a simulation. It contains Blocks which are
connected together in order to represent a single step in a mathematical
equation. Blocks may have any number of Inputs and Outputs. Outputs can be
connected to multiple Inputs, but Inputs may only be connected to one Output.
Models define special blocks called Entry and Exit points which represent
both initial/static values in the model and persistant values. If an Entry and
an Exit have the same name, when a step in a simulation completes, the Entry
will be set to the value of the corrisponding Exit block before the next step
executes, effectively creating a stepped loop. The special ModelBlock is a
block which is attached to a Model. The Entry and Exit points of the attached
model, so long as they do not have matching names, will be trasformed into the
Inputs and Outputs of the ModelBlock.

When a simulation is executed, a Context is created. This Context contains all
the persistent values for blocks and a list of all the Inputs and Outputs for
a block. At the beginning of each step, the blocks are asked to initialize
themselves for the step. After this initialization, all the blocks which do
not have any inputs have their step() method executed. When a block executes,
it asks the Context to set its Outputs to computed values. The Context then
goes through the Outputs and sets any Inputs connected to them to the Outputs'
assigned values. The cycle then continues by the Context executing all the
Blocks completed by setting those inputs. A step ends when a context no longer
has Blocks to execute.

To determine the approximate length of a step, the context records the number
of blocks which had to execute before the step was completed. This number is
approximate because it is possible to have blocks which trigger looping or
conditional portions of the simulation which may not fire under all

Threading is accomplished by delegating the execution of Block steps in a
context to separate threads. The number of threads is determined by either a 
limit or the number of processors in the computer plus one. When Blocks
finished executing in the separate thread, the resulting block execution
requests are sent back to the main context for execution in a different
thread. Networking is also possible in the case where there are multiple large
child ModelBlocks to execute in a Model.


Context-Model Relationship: A context is instantiated being attached to a
model. If this model is null, lots of exceptions will be thrown later. After a
context is reset or created and before any blocks are executed, the context
will scan all the blocks in a model.

Context-Block Relationship: When a context initializes itself before any steps
are run, it scans each block and populates a QHash with keys which are
pointers to the Block's Inputs. The hash links an Input* to a SignalValue*.

StepContext: A StepContext is used as a parent for all objects which are
considered local to a given step and need to be deleted at the end of a step.
A StepContext is created by a Context for every step and is passed into all
block execution methods and input/output set methods. It has a link to its
parent context. The StepContext should be used as a factory for anything that
is destroyed when a step is completed (such as a SignalValue).
