资源说明:c++ JSON library
ajsoncpp version 1.0 ======================== JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format(http://www.json.org/). It can represent and manipulate integer values, real numbers, strings, arrays of values and collections of key/value pairs. You can use it to serialize your program's state. JSON is a standard, so it's very good for data exchangig between different applications. ajsoncpp (another JSON cpp library) is a API to work with JSON values, it is useful to control serialization of the data. Parsing JSON ========================= This is JSON data from wikipedia page(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON){ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "age": 25, "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "10021" }, "phoneNumber": [ { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" }, { "type": "fax", "number": "646 555-4567" } ] }
To parse such data format with jsoncpp you build object tree:json::root root = json::read(json_string);
Now you can get value from tree.int age = root.map()->integer("age");
You can change value of tree's element.root.map()->str("firstName") = "Alexandr";
Delete "phononumber". We have no phones.:)root.map()->erase("phoneNumber");
If we try to retrieve data's type, which doesn't exist, ajsoncpp throw exception. For example:json::string age = root.map()->string("age"); //throw exception std::runtime_error
When we escape from scope, root delete all objects in tree. Parsing streams ================= You can parse files with JSON data to receive whole objects tree.std::fstream istream("sample.json"); json::root root; istream >> root; //do something std::stream ostream("out.json"); ostream << root;
Filtering JSON data ==================== If you need for only special kind of JSON data, you may create filter and traverse objects tree. For example i want to get whole phone numbers.class phonenumber_visitor : public object_visitor { public: void visit(null_object& v) { } void visit(bool_object& v) { } void visit(string_object& v) { value.push_back(v.value()); } void visit(int_object& v); { } void visit(double_object& v) { } void visit(ptr_map_object& v) { ptr_map_object::value_type::iterator it = v.value().find("phononumber"); if(it != v.value().end()) { it->second->accept(*this); } it = v.value().find("number"); if(it != v.value().end()) { it->second->accept(*this); } } void visit(ptr_array_object& v) { for(ptr_array_object::value_type::iterator it = v.value().begin(); it != v.value().end(); ++it) { (it)->accept(*this); } } ~phonenumber_visitor(){;} typedef std::vector
Creating JSON data ==================== Create objects tree in code.strings; strings value; }; json::root root = json::read(json_string); phonenumber_visitor visitor; root.accept(visitor); //do somthing with visitor.value -- whole phones json::root r; r.create_map(); json::map_getter::map_getter_ptr map = r.map(); map->insert("integer", 10); map->insert("double", 10.0); map->insert_array("array"); json::array_getter::array_getter_ptr array = map->array("array"); array->push_back(1); array->push_back(2.0); array->push_back(json::string("three")); std::cout << r;
I create map object and insert in it int, double and array data. I fill array with int, double and string data. At the end i get such JSON data:{"array":[1,2,"three"],"double":10,"integer":12}
ajsoncpp data structures =========================
class object_visitor; class object { public: virtual void accept(object_visitor&)=0; virtual ~object()=0{;} }; template
class value_object : public object { public: typedef T value_type; value_object() { } explicit value_object(const value_type& v) :val(v) { } value_object(const value_object & v) :val(v.val) { } value_object & operator=(const value_object & v) { if(this != &v) { val = v.val; } return *this; } ~value_object(){;} value_type& value() { return const_cast (static_cast (*this).value()); } const value_type& value()const { return val; } void set_value(const value_type& v) { val = v; } void accept(object_visitor& v) { v.visit(*this); } private: value_type val; }; typedef value_object bool_object; typedef value_object string_object; typedef value_object int_object; typedef value_object double_object; typedef value_object ptr_map_object; typedef std::deque ptr_array; typedef value_object ptr_array_object; class object_visitor { public: virtual void visit(null_object&)=0; virtual void visit(bool_object&)=0; virtual void visit(string_object&)=0; virtual void visit(int_object&)=0; virtual void visit(double_object&)=0; virtual void visit(ptr_map_object&)=0; virtual void visit(ptr_array_object&)=0; virtual ~object_visitor()=0{;} };