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资源说明:This sketch demonstrates how to implement tracking with the PS Move API in Processing
 Move Ribbons Demo by Raphaël de Courville

 This sketch demonstrates how to implement tracking with the PS Move API in Processing
 See video demonstration:

 Ribbon code by James Alliban (
 Original Ribbon code by Eric Natzke (

 PS Move API  by Thomas Perl  and Benjamin Venditti 
 Sources available:

 For download, build, install, and pairing instructions on Mac OS X, read "Get started with the PS Move API on Mac OS X" tutorial:

/*-------- INSTRUCTIONS --------- */

Press D to show/hide tracking debug.

Calibration on Mac OS X with iSight/Facetime camera:
- Before you run the sketch, put the controller in front of the camera so that the sphere touches it
- As the sketch starts, the sphere lights up in white (it forces Auto-Exposure to accomodate so we can lock it at the right settings)
- The sphere starts blinking in its tracking color: move the controller further from the camera and keep it still
- The sketch should start after a few seconds. If the sphere keeps blinking for more than 15 seconds, stop the sketch and try again. Rebooting can help too.
